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Event Details
September 5, 2014

Wilson Center
One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
1300 Pennsylvania, Ave., NW

Washington, D.C., 20004
United States

Screening - Washington, D.C.

DC Chinese Film Festival at the Wilson Center Part 2: Environmental filmmaking in China: Topics, Challenges and Outcomes


During the past three decades, China's rapid economic growth has established the country as a world power, as well as improved the lives of many Chinese citizens. But economic growth has brought with it environmental problems, including air and water pollution, natural resource depletion, degradation of ecosystems, and loss of biodiversity. How are filmmakers responding to these issues? What role can they have in influencing a different course of action? Join Chinese filmmakers and field experts as they discuss their own experiences in environmental filmmaking and share their views on this genre's potential for change.

Click here to view Part 1.
