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Event Details
September 25, 2013

UC Berkeley Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Auditorium
Berkeley, CA
United States

Public Talk - Berkeley, CA

Current Challenges to US-China Relations


Speaker/Performer: Dr. Cui Liru, Former President, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR)

Sponsors: Institute of International Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS), Center for Chinese Studies (CCS)

Dr. Cui Liru, a widely respected analyst of China's foreign policy and until recently the President of CICIR, will visit the University of California, Berkeley to deliver a lecture on US-China relations on September 25. Cui studied in the US in the 1970s and returned to China where he was one of the foremost analysts of China's foreign policy. He rose through CICIR to become President and has been a fixture in US--China dialogues and US foreign policy forums. His lecture comes at an extremely important time in the relationship as China's disputes with Japan become more acute, as conflict looms in the South China Sea, and as the Obama Administration struggles to "rebalance" it's policies in Asia.

The lecture is open to the public and will be followed with questions and answers with Dr. Cui.

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