Our first summer family program will draw inspiration from artwork by overseas Chinese and Malaysian nationals. The Chinese diaspora stretches across the entire globe and the settling of ethnic Han Chinese in Malaysia traces its origins to the 15th century Malacca Empire. Modern Malaysia is a blend of Chinese, Indian, and Malay traditions, reflected in cuisine, faith, and performing arts. This multiethnic reality has also created a fascinating contemporary visual arts scene, and we will explore these trends in our monthly family program. Artists whose work will serve as inspiration for our pieces include Wong Hoy Cheong, Ivan Lam, Tew Nai Tong, Yusuf Gajah, Budi Agung Kuswara, Hamir Soib, and selections from the Aliya and Farouk Khan Collection in Kuala Lumpur.
12:30 pm | Storytelling: Kancil and the Crocodiles – A Tale from Malaysia
12:45 pm | Art Projects
Education and outreach programs at Asia Society Texas Center are made possible through generous funding from the George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation and Nieman Marcus. Additional support provided by the Friends of Education & Outreach at Asia Society Texas Center.