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Event Details
October 8, 2013

UC Berkeley, Institute of East Asian Studies
2223 Fulton, 6th Floor
Berkeley, CA
United States

Public Talk - Berkeley, CA

The Confucian Analects in the Modern World: Five Generations: in celebration of the Norton Critical Edition

Panel discussion with Herb Fingarette, Henry Rosemont, Mark Csikzentmihalyi, Michael Nylan, Yuming He, Luke Habberstad, and Tae Hyun Kim.

For the first time, the Norton Critical Edition celebrates not a modern classic, but a Classic written in classical Chinese. In honor of the Berkeley participants (faculty, past Ph.Ds, and present graduate students) who have participated in this path-breaking venture, we will have a roundtable discussion, where each contributor speaks for five minutes and then we open discussion to students.
