David M. Lampton, Johns Hopkins University
Various Panels
Keynote Speech: David M. Lampton, Johns Hopkins University
“Chinese Soft Power in the Repertoire of Chinese Power”
Panel 1: Cultural Dimension of Soft Power
Chair: Chaofen Sun, Stanford University
Gordon H. Chang, Stanford University
“Soft Power in US-China Relations: Consequences Intended and Unintended”
Bo Wang 王博, Peking University
“The Chinese Origin of Soft Power in Laozi’s Works”
Yanli Gao, Peking University and Stanford University
“State Imagination and Interaction in the Current China-US Relations”
Panel 2: Soft Power in World Politics
Chair: Joseph Esherick, University of California at San Diego
Dayong Niu 牛大勇, Peking University
“China’s Application of Soft Power in the Cultural Cold War, 1950-60s”
Shiming Fan 范士明, Peking University
“Understanding China’s Soft Power through Public Opinion Polls”
Eric Hyer, Brigham Young University
“Measuring Soft Power and China’s Influence in the World”
Simei Qing, Michigan State University
“Soft Powers, Civilizations, and beyond the ‘Thucydides’ Traps’?”
James Z. Gao, University of Maryland
“Soft Power, Cultural Security and Alternative to Confrontation”
Round-table Discussion Chair: Ban Wang, Stanford University
Closing Speech: Joseph Esherick, University of California at San Diego
Event Details
Conference - Stanford, CA