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Event Details
May 6, 2014

Stanford University, TBA
Stanford, CA 94305
United States

Public Talk - Stanford, CA

Competing Transnational Buddhisms: Yu Guanbin’s Contribution to Taixu’s Buddha-ization Movement in 1920-30s Shanghai

Hwansoo Ilmee Kim, Assistant Professor, Korean Buddhism and Culture, Duke University

This talk concerns the work of the prominent Korean lay Buddhist and entrepreneur Yu Gwanbin (1891-1933) in Shanghai during the mid-1920s and early-30s. Yu collaborated with the Chinese Buddhist reformer Taixu (1890–1947) to promote a transnational Buddhist discourse called “the Buddha-ization movement” (fohua yundong). Yu also acted as a bridge between Korean and Chinese Buddhism by undertaking the project of rebuilding an eleventh-century Korean temple, Kory?sa, in Hangzhou. In this talk, I examine how Yu’s engagement in these projects is a distinctive case of modern East Asian Buddhism in which national/transnational and religious/political visions intersected and conflicted with each other.

