As in years past, the Committee of 100's 2008 conference will serve as a critical forum for the discussion of issues pertaining to U.S.-China relations and Chinese American progress. With a focus on the impact of China's rising global influence, "Bridging Progress, Sharing Vision" will cover topics relevant to academic, business, and entertainment communities around the country. The Committee's distinguished membership is assembling a thought-provoking mix of keynote speakers and panel discussions, featuring leading experts and practitioners in their respective fields.
To download the conference agenda, click here.
About the Committee of 100
The Committee of 100 is a national non-partisan organization composed of American citizens of Chinese descent. Each member has achieved positions of leadership in the United States in a broad range of professions. With these diverse backgrounds, members collectively pool their strengths and experience to address important issues concerning the Chinese-American community, as well as issues affecting U.S.-China relations.