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Event Details
October 13, 2017

Indiana University
Global and International Studies Building, Room 2067
355 North Jordan Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47405
United States

Public Talk - Bloomington, IN

Colloquium on the National Apology and Reinvigoration of Indigenous Rights in Taiwan


There has been a huge debate on the protection of indifenous rights in the context of legal reform. One of the focal point lies at how and to what extent the State's legal system and social transformation construct indigenous cultural development and needs. On August 1, 2016 Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen delivered the National Apology to Indigenous Peoples, which laid out a comprehensive scheme to restore the historical and transitional justice for indigenous rights. Mona's talk concentrates on the deliberation of law and legal pluralism amongst indigenous diversity. By way of empirical research on indigenous cases, the talk purports to demonstrate the legal web of State's legal systmes and local indigenous communities. Also, to explore how and to what extent the indigenous customary laws have been incorporated and implemented through State's legal system.
