Theme: Chinese Folk Dance, Fan Dance-Shanzi Wu
Chinese dance is one of the most unique regional dances in the world. It has its own dance vocabulary, meanings, and ordered structures that enable dancers to express their thoughts and feelings with grace and power. This workshop offers a great opportunity to dance-lovers and people who are interested in Chinese art to taste the uniqueness of Chinese dance, and to develop a deeper understanding of Chinese artistic features and aesthetics that is embodied in it. Within the four sessions, participants will learn about the origin and development of Chinese dance, the basic elements in Chinese classical dances and dances of various ethnic groups in China through lectures and hands-on experience. Each session will be divided into two parts. The first half an hour is a lecture on one type of dance. In the next hour, participants will experience the dance by doing basic movements following the instructor’s demonstration.
*Open to NYU undergraduate and graduate students and previous dance experience is not required. Participants don't not have to attend sessions consecutively.