Chinese Career Center (CCC) is a career platform located in Great Los Angeles area, founded by the alumni of USC. As one of the leading platform for job hunting and recruitment in the West Coast, CCC offers abundant job information in both the U.S. and China for Chinese and English bilingual talents.
The 2016 Spring Chinese-English Bilingual Career Fair will be host by CCC at Radisson Hotel at USC on April 29, 2016. The career fair is designed to be the largest Chinese-English Bilingual Career Fair in the West Coast and the best platform for Chinese-English Bilingual students to find interns, part-time, as well as full-time jobs. We have carefully selected about 20 recruiting companies for this career fair, including Apple, China Telecom, Anderson Groupe, Kcal Insurance Agency, Inc, CCYP, etc.
SIGN UP HERE. Students are required to upload their resumes.
12:00 p.m. - 01: 00 p.m. Employers Check-in
01:00 p.m. - 05: 00 p.m. Career Fair & Workshop
* Employers will have the option of conducting interviews after the career fair in pre-arranged inteview rooms. More details on interview schedule and arrangement, please contact CCC.
Job Seekers Register Link: Register Now
Employers Register Link: Sign Up
The 2016 Spring CCC Chinese English Bilingual Career Fair will increase your visibility on campus and give you access to hundreds of talent students in all fields.
Provides an opportunity to interact with qualified candidates of various backgrounds, particularly from China.
Attracts 1000+ students/alumni, representing all academic majors.
Networks with university personnel and other employers
Career Fair Benefits:
- 报名参加招聘会,加你进招聘会专属求职者联盟微信群,分享干货,在线讲座,拼抢红包,更多福利等你来!
- 场内专设远程招聘公司二维码墙,现场扫一扫,带你去投简历!
- 招聘会前后多场Workshop和Mixer,邀请大牛嘉宾传授经验,分分钟打造职场精英!
- 招聘会分会场开辟简历修改专区,还有北美求职和法律讲座,找工作的同时涨姿势!
2016 Hiring Companies:
58同城(洛杉矶), America Luante, Asia Star Media, Apple, Beverly Center,Edison Solar Technology, FTS & Feitian Technology, Go-Doggies,Hommily,Primus Group, 安德森集团,北美留学生日报,比亚迪,吃货小分队,合创会,华人工商,华兴保险,古美,孟小洁律师,美国格律文化传媒集团,新梦-易留帮,中国电信,中文投资网