Organized by United Societies of China Studies (USCS).
Hosted by the Center for Asian Democracy, the University of Louisville,
Louisville, Kentucky, the United States of America, March 20-22, 2009
United Societies of China Studies (USCS) is calling for paper proposals that deal with issues related to China's developments and their impact on Asia in the last three decades from the perspectives of politics, economics and culture. Proposals should be approximately 200 words and we welcome work from communications specialists, economists, historians, political scientists, sociologitsts, and other social scientists. USCS website is at:
The Center for Asian Democracy (CAD), established in 2006 with a substantial endowment from the U.S. State Department and the University of Louisville, runs an annual speakers series, holds two international conferences annually, runs three international research projects in Asia, hires three Visiting Scholars a year, publishes a book series on Asia with the University Press of Kentucky, and is recruiting an endowed chair in Asian studies. CAD website:
Paper proposals about the symposium should be sent electronically before October 1, 2008 to: Dr. Shiping Hua, USCS Council Chairman and CAD Director at:; and Dr. Jieli Li, ACPSS President at:
Paper presenters will be provided with two nights and three days of free accommodation at the conference. The registration fee is $90 and the check should be sent to Dr. Yawei Liu, USCS Treasurer, before December 1, 2008, at: Dr. Yawei Liu, The Carter Center, One Copenhill, Atlanta, GA 30307, USA.