This workshop will combine three presentations about the regulation of environmental pollution in China. The presenters highlight important recent developments in the way pollution regulation functions in China, and demonstrate how actors such as corporations, NGOs and prosecutors have come to play important roles alongside China’s traditional administrative regulatory agencies to shape corporate environmental behavior. The panel will also discuss the conditions under which such plural forms of environmental governance can be successful in dealing with China’s serious pollution challenges.
Frances R. and John J. Duggan Professor in Public Administration USC Sol Price School of Public Policy
Click here for an interview with Professor Tang regarding his book "10 Principles for a Rule-Ordered Society: Enhancing China's Governing Capacity"
Kathinka Fürst
Fellow at John S. and Marilyn Long U.S.-China Institute for Business and Law and at Netherlands China Law Centre, University of Amsterdam
Benjamin van Rooij
John S. and Marilyn Long Professor of U.S.-China Business and Law Director, John S. and Marilyn Long U.S.-China Institute for Business and Law