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Event Details
April 8, 2009

Furman University
Melvin and Dollie Younts Conference Center
United States


China’s Global Rise: International Relations in an Era of Change

China's international behavior at times can mystify even the most astute political observers. Many of its policies seem contradictory until the rationale behind the diplomatic maneuvers is explored. As China struggles to become a true superpower and to play a more dominant role in Asia, how should the United States respond? Does the rise of China necessarily mean the fall of American power?

Tuesday, April 7

8:00 p.m. Keynote Addresss: "Priorities, Opportunities, and Challenges in China’s Foreign Policy"

Minister Xie Feng, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the People's Republic of China

Wednesday, April 8

3:30 — 4:30 p.m. Panel l: United States-China Relations

“Domestic Factors in China’s United States Policy,” Ni Shixiong, Professor of International Relations, Fudan University Center for American Studies

“Key Issues in US-China Relations,” Hank Levine, Stonebridge International, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce of Asia

5:00 — 6:30 p.m. Panel II: China’s International Relations and Security Policy

“The Military Dimensions of China’s Re-emergence,” David Finkelstein, Director, China Studies Center at the CNA Corporation

“Good Neighbors? China’s Role in the Asia Pacific,” Brantly Womack, Professor of Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia

“Taiwan and China’s International Diplomacy,” Shelley Rigger, Professor of Politics, Davidson University

7:30 p.m. Keynote Address: China and United States Foreign Policy

Ambassador Stapleton Roy, former United States Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China