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Event Details
January 22, 2010

USC Leavey Library Auditorium
Los Angeles, CA 90089
United States

Public Talk - Los Angeles, CA

China: The World’s Largest Tobacco Market


Dr. Judith Mackay, visiting USC as part of the Provost Distinguished Visitors Program, is known for her personal charm and fervor. She was named one of Time’s 100 People Who Shape Our World for her tireless efforts on the global crusade against smoking. Dr. Mackay is senior adviser to the World Lung Foundation/Bloomberg Initiative To Reduce Tobacco Use; director of the Asian Consultancy on Tobacco Control, and senior policy adviser to the World Health Organization. She earned her degree in medicine from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and has lived in Hong Kong since 1967, initially working as a hospital physician and later concentrating on broader issues of public health, especially tobacco control. Dr. Mackay has authored and published atlases on tobacco, cancer, and human sexual behavior, among other works.