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Event Details
December 10, 2015

Foreign Policy Association
470 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016
United States

Public Talk - New York, NY

China, the United States and the Future of Central Asia

Since the break-up of the Soviet Union, the independent countries of Central Europe -- resource-rich and politically unstable -- have played a little-discussed role in Sino-U.S. relations. Join David Denoon as he talks about the behavior and strategies of the United States and China as they compete for influence in Central Asia, drawing a comparison to Southeast Asia. His book China, the United States and the Future of Central Asia: Vol. I (2015), is part of a three-volume series on U.S.-China relations in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, and will be available for purchase at the program.

Dr. David Denoon - Speaker
Professor of Politics and Economics, New York University; Director, NYU Center on U.S.-China Relations

David Denoon is professor of politics and economics at New York University and director of the NYU Center on U.S.-China Relations.  He has a B.A. from Harvard, an M.P.A. from Princeton, and a Ph.D. from M.I.T.; and has served in the federal government in three positions:  as program economist for USAID in Jakarta, vice president of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, and deputy assistant secretary of defense.

Professor Denoon is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, the U.S. Committee on Security Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific (USSCAP), the Asia Society, the Korea Society, the U.S.-Indonesia Society, and is chairman of the New York University Asia Policy Seminar.  He is also chairman of the editorial advisory board of Great Decisions.
