Dr. Parks talk will focus on the following recent developments: (1) deepening Communist Party of China-Workers' Party of Korea interactions, (2) expanding Sino-DPRK joint ventures in key North Korean industries, and (3) unintended consequences of sanctions.
John Park's Bio:
Dr. John S. Park is a Senior Research Associate in the Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention at the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP), where he directs Northeast Asia Track 1.5 projects. Dr. Park is a co-director of the U.S.-China Project on Crisis Avoidance and Cooperation (PCAC), which is a collaborative endeavor led by USIP, CICIR, and Fudan University. He is also a co-director of the Trilateral Dialogue in Northeast Asia (TDNA). Co-run with IFANS and IIPS, TDNA brings together government and military officials from the U.S., ROK, and Japan. Prior to joining USIP, Dr. Park worked on military privatization projects at Goldman Sachs. Previously, he was the project leader of the North Korea Analysis Group at the Harvard Kennedy School.
His recent publications include, "The Rise of China and its Impact on the North Pacific Security Environment," Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies, KEI, Vol. 20, 2010; "North Korea, Inc.: Gaining Insights into North Korean Regime Stability from Recent Commercial Activities," USIP Working Paper (May 2009); and "North Korea's Nuclear Policy Behavior: Deterrence and Leverage," in Nuclear Weapons and Security in 21st Century Asia (Stanford University Press, 2008). Dr. Park received his Ph.D. from Cambridge University. He completed his predoctoral and postdoctoral training at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School.