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Event Details
April 19, 2017

University of California, Berkeley
180 Doe Library
Berkeley, CA 94704
United States

Public Talk - Berkeley, CA

China and global governance: what have we learnt so far?

Speaker:  Yves Tibergien, Director of the Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia
Moderator:  Kevin O'Brien, Political Science, UC Berkeley
Sponsors:  Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS), Center for Chinese Studies (CCS)
Speaker bio:
Yves Tiberghien (Ph.D. Stanford University, 2002) is the Director of the Institute of Asian Research at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Executive Director of the UBC China Council, and Associate Professor of Political Science. Additionally, Dr. Tiberghien served as Co-Director of the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (MPPGA) (Fall 2014 to August 2016), which he founded as Chair of the UBC Public Policy Curriculum Committee in 2014. In 2014-2015 he chaired the President’s ‘Ad-Hoc Committee on International Strategy.’ 
Dr. Tiberghien is a Senior Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada, a Senior Fellow with the Global Summitry Project at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, and a visiting professor at Tokyo University and Sciences-Po Paris. He is a Faculty Associate at both EHESS and Sciences Po in France. Dr. Tiberghien was an Academy Scholar at Harvard University in 2004-2006. 
He specializes in East Asian In 2007, he published Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea (Cornell University Press in the Political Economy Series directed by Peter Katzenstein). His most recent publications include three books (??????? (Asia and the Future of the World). Beijing: ????????? (Social Sciences Academic Press, China) ; L’Asie et le futur du monde, Paris: Science Po Press, 2012; and Leadership in Global Institution-Building: Minerva’s Rule, edited volume, Palgrave McMillan, 2013). He has published many articles and book chapters on the Japan’s and China’s political economy, on global governance, global climate change politics, and on the governance of agricultural biotechnology in China and Japan. 
On the domestic side, Dr. Tiberghien focuses on state responsiveness to global economic forces and global risks. He has an interest in comparative institutional reforms that address the middle income trap and the resource curse, as well as in the interface between global economic forces and domestic politics. His works also focuses on trade-offs between economic policy goals and public goods such as biodiversity protection, transparency in food policy, and climate change issues. Dr. Tiberghien is currently developing an analysis of the trajectory of domestic economic reforms in Japan (including Abenomics) in a comparative perspective, addressing the questions of innovation policy, responsiveness to a changing global environment, and management of systemic risks.
On the global side, Dr. Tiberghien focuses on the ongoing transition in the global economic and environmental order, in the face of new systemic risks, a changing balance of power, and the rise of “de-globalizing” political forces. He is also currently working on articles and a book on China’s role in global governance (including G20, AIIB, climate change, Belt and Road Initiative), as well as articles on the tensions between global integration and forces of entropy in the global economic system. 
comparative political economy, international political economy, and global economic and environmental governance, with an empirical focus on China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia.
public diplomacy