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Event Details
September 2, 2008

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
1 Cyclotron Road
Room 00-3122

Berkeley, CA 94720
United States

Public Talk - Berkeley, CA

The Challenge of Reducing Energy Consumption in China's Industrial Sector

Lynn Price, Research Scientist, Energy Analysis Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In 2005, the Chinese government announced an ambitious goal of reducing energy consumption per unit of GDP by 20% between 2005 and 2010. One of the key initiatives for realizing this goal is the Top-1000 Energy-Consuming Enterprises program. The energy consumption of these 1000 large enterprises accounted for 33% of national and 45% of industrial energy use in 2005. Even though the Top-1000 Program was designed and implemented rapidly, it appears that it could make a significant contribution to the savings required to support China’s efforts to meet its 20% goal. This talk will describe the technical support provided by LBNL for the pilot program that preceded the Top-1000 program, as well as current research and technical support for the activities of the Top-1000 program, including development of a benchmarking and energy saving tool for Chinese cement plants. An analysis of the progress of the Top-1000 program to-date will be presented along with projections of potential savings from the program in 2010.


