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Event Details
December 9, 2016

Princeton Committtee of Foreign Policy Research Institute
1528 Walnut St., Ste. 610
Philadelphia, PA 19102
United States

Public Talk - Philadelphia, PA

Book Talk -- Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun: Sino-Japanese Relations, Past, and Present


In this talk, June Teufel Dreyer will provide a historical overview of one of the world’s great civilizational rivalries and illuminate key issues affecting the geopolitics of the region today: economic rivalry, disparate memories of World War II, resurgent nationalism, military modernization, Taiwan, and globalization. Dreyer is a Senior Fellow in FPRI’s Asia Program and Professor of Political Science at the University of Miami, Coral Gables. Formerly a senior Far East Specialist at the Library of Congress, she has also served as Asia policy advisor to the Chief of Naval Operations and as a commissioner of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission established by the U.S. Congress.