A Joint East Asian Studies Center (JEASC) colloquium on Asia and the Global South will be held at USC on Thursday, February 14, 2013, from 1:00-5:00pm at SOS B40, followed by a dinner for colloquium attendees at the AHN House.
As part of its Title VI NRC activities, the JEASC began in the 2010-11 academic year to host a UCLA-USC colloquium of graduate students and faculty to comment on each other’s work as a kind of professional engagement and development intended to bring people from different disciplines together. This year, we focus on Asia and the Global South. We intend the theme as a broad topic designed to cover the myriad of ways in which Asian states, firms, groups and individuals are engaging governments, societies, economies, and cultures in world regions other than Europe and North America. From Chinese peacekeepers and business interests in Africa to Japanese ODA and Korean trade relations with Latin America, a host of important issues are beginning to be examined by social scientists and humanists.
We invite both graduate student and faculty participation as both paper presenters and commentators. At USC, please contact Professor David Kang at kangdc@usc.edu and at UCLA, Professor R. Bin Wong at rbwong@international.ucla.edu with proposed paper topics or to volunteer to be a commentator by Monday, October 15, 2012.