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Event Details
March 31, 2011

Hawai'i Convention Center
1801 Kalakaua Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96815
United States

Conference - Honolulu, HI

2011 Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting


The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) is the largest society of its kind, with more than 7,000 members worldwide. It is a scholarly, non-political, non-profit professional association. It seeks through publications, meetings, and seminars to facilitate contact and an exchange of information among scholars to increase their understanding of East, South, and Southeast Asia. It counts among its members scholars, business people, diplomats, journalists, and interested lay persons.

The 2011 conference will be held in the Hawai'i Conference Center in Honolulu from March 31-April 3.

For the conference website, click here. To register, click here.

Panels   |    Films

Panel Schedule

Thursday, March 31 8:00am – 9:15pm (Panels 1–203)

Friday, April 1
8:00am – 4:45pm (Panels 204–380)

Saturday, April 2
7:30am – 8:15pm (Panels 381–580)

Saturday, April 3 8:00am – 4:45pm (Panels 581–765)

China Presentations and Panels

Thursday, March 31 8:00am – 9:15pm (Panels 1–203)

Session 34: Local Cults and Communal Rituals in Imperial China
A “Northern Style” in Village Temple Festivals in Late Imperial Times?, David Johnson
Chan and the Art of Making Weather, Natasha Heller
Patterning Local Rites: New Evidence from Late Imperial Huizhou, Qitao Guo
The Origin and Development of the Cult to the Gods of the Five Penetrations (Wutong shen), Edward Davis

Session 35: Debating Future Trajectories of China’s Capitalist Evolution:Global, Comparative, and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Industrial transformation and reform of labor policies: Insights from Guangdong province, He Gaochao
Regimes of production and industrial relations in China’s new capitalism, Boy Luthje
State capitalism is dead! Long live state capitalism! The evolutionary dynamics of Sino-Capitalism, Christopher A McNally
The future of market-liberal state capitalism in China, Tobias ten Brink

Session 36: Neither Black Cat nor White Cat: The Informal Economy in Contemporary China
Fake Tobacco and Fake Liquor in China, Yi-Chieh Jessica Lin
Informal Economic Activities under Formal Economy: An Analysis of Cigarette Distribution in China, Yi-Wen Cheng
The City Recycled: Land Development and the Trading of Old Bricks in Postsocialist Beijing, Shih-Yang Kao
The shaping of the hidden economy of corruption in contemporary China – the case of corruption in China’s courts, Ling Li
The Specter of Socialism in China’s Informal Economy: The Official ‘Stamp-Out Direct Sales’ Campaign and Popular Sentiments , Paul Festa

Session 37: Victoria's Secret in China: Translation of Victorian Women in Early Twentieth-Century China
L’art Pour Qoui? Transformation of Victorian Aesthetics in Lin Weiyin’s Madame de Salon and His Translation of Gautier’s Mademoiselle de Maupin, Shuowin Chen
The Controversial Modernity: Victorian Sexuality, Havelock Ellis, and Chinese New Sexual Morality, Rachel Hui-chi Hsu
The Victorian Dream of the Red Chamber: Desire and Love Discourses Mediated in the Late Qing Translated Romance Hong lei ying , Shaw-Yu Pan
Who’s That Girl: The Power of Love and Love for Power in Lin Shu’s Translation of Haggard’s She , Yiting Zheng

Session 39: Insider Insights into the Changing Environment for Civil Society Development in China - generously supported by the Ford Foundation
Resource mobilization for civil society development in China, Guangshen Gao
Support organizations in the development of nonprofit sector in China: functions, challenges, impact and trend, Ailing Zhuang
Turning point in China’s philanthropy, Zhenyao Wang
Welfare trends and the role of civil society: a service delivery model, Xiulan Zhang

Session 40: The Adaptation and Reinvention of Chinese Healing and Religious Practices to the Western Market: Four Case Studies on Chinese Medicine, Taijiquan and Female Alchemy
Cultural Inflections of Auricular Acupuncture, Linda L. Barnes
Female alchemy goes global: the contemporary transmission of a meditation practices for women to the Western market, Elena Valussi
Healing of Spirit: Negotiating the Definition of Health in Traditional Chinese Medicine , Emily S. Wu
Taiji in America: From Healing Technique to Religious Practice and Back Again, Elijiah Siegler

Session 41: Changing Social Configurations and New Media Technologies in China
E-governance in China: Changing Configurations of Government Authority and Accountability, Randy Kluver
From Interaction to Participation: Revisiting Urban China's Shifting Landscapes of Technology and Digital Game Play, Marcella Szablewicz
In Between Wangba and Elite Entertainment: China’s Many Internets, Silvia Lindtner
Online Participation and Health System Reform in China, Steven J. Balla
Technology and/as Governmentality? – China’s Migrant Workers, Digital Inclusion, and Labor Marginalization , Cara Wallis

Session 42: Man in the Making: Manhood and Its Transformation from Late Ming to Republican China
Be Man and beyond: constructing masculinity by female playwrights in Ming-Qing era, Wing-kin Puk
Be Man! —— Modern masculinity and nationalistic agenda pursued by Shanghai Jingwuhui in Republican China, May Bo Ching
Japanese modern ethics and the construction of Chinese manhood in late Qing, Seiichiro Yoshizawa
The Boy Scouts Program and the construction of new citizenship in the Nanjing Decade (1928-1937), Henry Choi

Session 43: The Methods of Calligraphy
Between Practice and Theory: Bao Shichen’s Explorations of the Methods of Cursive Calligraphy , Seokwon Choi
Exquisite Discipline: Manuscript Culture and Calligraphy in Medieval China, Huiwen Lu
Paradigm Imagined? Guan Daosheng (1262–1319) and the Question of her Ghostwriter , Hui-shu Lee
Wang Duo’s (1593–1652) “Sayings”: the Relationship between Text and Image in an Innovative Format of Calligraphy, Longchun Xue

Session 78: The Social Life of Dead Bodies: Cases from late Qing through Cold War China and Taiwan
Ghosts of the Cold War on Jinmen, Chang-hui Chi
Grave Concerns: The Chinese Red Cross Burial Corps and new Philanthropic Initiatives in Early Republican China, Caroline Reeves
Rituals of the Dead in Post-Taiping Nanjing, Chuck Wooldridge
Sun Yat-sen and the Ghosts of Nanjing: A Geography, Rebecca Nedostup

Session 79: Roundtable: ‘"Shengshi Zhongguo", Flourishing China: myths and realities’

Session 80
: Marriage, Gender and Law in Republican China
From Feng Peng’er to “Liu Qiao’er”: Law, Marriage and Gender Construction in the Chinese Revolution, 1940-1960, Xiaoping Cong
The Paradigm of Gender in Modern Chinese Law , Margaret Kuo
The Tongyangxi: Public Opinion, Social Custom and Legal Reform in the Republican Press, Lisa Tran

Session 81: Modernism in Chinese Poetry
Imprisonment and Banishment: the Cases of Shang Qin and Bei Dao , Chin-li LC Lin
Measure Words Not for Measure: A Linguistic Challenge from Chinese Modernist Poetry, Lisa (Lai-ming) LW Wong
Picturing Modernist Poetry in Chinese, Paul PM Manfredi
Xi Chuan & the Dueling Visions of Modernism, Lucas LK Klein

Session 82: The Multiplicity of Visual Arts: Critiques, Witness, Commodification, and Envisioning
Chinese Memoirs and the Politics of Writing: Commodification, Standardization, and Intertextuality, Ruth Hung
Engaging Technology and Multiplicities: Recording, Presentation, Testimony, and Commemoration of the Sichuan Earthquake , Lei Jin
Tsai Ming-Liang’s the Hole: A Critique of Globalization and Civilization, Chao-Mei Tu
Wuming Art – A Visual Critique of Revolutionary Modernity, Aihe Wang

Session 83
: Chinese Perceptions and Manipulations of the Environment: A Historical Perspective
Labor and the Late Qing Extraction of the "Profits of Nature", Peter Lavelle
Manipulating the Yellow River and the State Building of the Northern Song Dynasty , Ling Zhang
Representing and Remaking Hangzhou’s West Lake in Ming China, Desmond Cheung
Rocks, Trees and Grassland on the Borderlands: Tibetan and Chinese Perceptions and Manipulations of the Environment along Ecotone Frontiers, 1911-1992, Jack Patrick Hayes

Session 84: Lord, I'm Southbound: the World as Seen from Wu and Yue
Elite Writers and the Rhetoric of Central States Superiority , Erica Brindley
Postcards From the Future: Reading the Wu-Yue Saga Outside of a “Sinicization” Paradigm, Andrew S Meyer
The Persistence of Yuè in Southeast China, Eric Henry
The Royal Bronzes of Wu: A New Interpretation, Olivia Milburn

Session 85: Micro-Foundations of Chinese Political Economy and Governance
Bond-age: Securitized debt and the untold stories of federal power in China and India , Matthew Rudolph
Grasping the Large and Releasing the Small as Seen from the Ground Up in the Construction Sector , Chih-shian Liou
Grasping the Large and Releasing the Small as Seen from the Ground Up in the Construction Sector , William Hurst
Small Government-Big Society: Local Government Outsourcing of Public-Goods Provision to Civil Society Groups , Jessica Teets
The Political Economy of Climate Change and Energy Policies in China, Lynette Ong

Session 120: Mr. Science at the Writing Desk: Science Fiction, Adventure, and Utopia in Modern Chinese Literature
A Failed Fiction of Empire: Early Twentieth Century Chinese Adventure Fiction (Maoxian xiaoshuo), John Chrisotpher Hamm
A Difference of Worlds: Progress and Technology in in Wu Jianren’s New Story of the Stone (1905-6) and Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889). , Shaoling Ma
Chinese Science Fiction in the Global Context, Guangyi Li
The Impossibility of Occidentalism, Nathaniel Isaacson
Why I Divorced my Robot Wife: Humans and Machines in Kehuan Xiaoshuo, 1979-1987 , Paola Iovene

Session 121: Rural China Revisited: In Search of Moralities and Social Organizations
Beyond Economic Rationality: Demoralization of Rural Teachers in China, Dan Wang
Immanent Village Sociality: Open-Ended Belonging, Lili Lai
Individual, Guanxi or Nuclear-Family? Arguments on the Foundation of Social Structure in Contemporary Rural China, Tongxue Tan
Living morally and dying of cancer: rethinking morality and moral economy in contemporary rural China, Anna Lora-Wainwright
Popular Religion Inside Out: Gender and Ritual Revival in a Hebei Township, Mikkel Bunkenborg

Session 122: Death and Its Histories in Late Imperial and Early Republican China - Sponsored by the Society for Qing Studies
A Social History of Suicide: Ba county, Sichuan, 1890-1900, Quinn Doyle Javers
Bodies in the Streets: Responses to the Threat of Mass Starvation in the Early Republic , Pierre Fuller
Dead bodies and the politics of technical knowledge in Qing inquests , Daniel Asen
Infant Corpses and Vengeful Spirits: Cultural Representations of Infanticide in Nineteenth Century China , Michelle King

Session 123: Learning from Long Bow: Research and Reflections on One Chinese Village
A Village Scribe's Work: Making Memories of Long Bow in the Cultural Revolution, Daniel Husman
Acting for the State: Cultural Performance in Changzhi’s Long Bow Village, Brian DeMare
Liberation, Production, and Reproduction: Introducing Western Methods of Delivery to Long Bow Village in the 1950s, Byungil Ahn
Social Education and Transformation of Chinese Peasant Mentalité in the Collectivization Era:A Case Study of Long Bow Village, Hongqin Deng

Session 124
: Workshop: "A Pure and Remote View": James Cahill's Digital Narratives of Early Chinese Painting

Session 125: Discourses of Disease: Writing Illness, the Mind, and the Body in Modern China
Writing Breast Cancer: Therapeutic Narratives by Women Writers, Howard Y. F. Choy
Writing Disabilities and AIDS: Allegorical Novels by Yan Lianke, Shelley W. Chan
Writing Public Health: Medical Hybridization in Wartime China, Nicole E. Barnes
Writing Women’s Psychopathology: A Case Study by Pan Guangdan, Eva K. W. Man

Session 126: Dramatized Societies: Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Chinese-Language Television Drama
Melodrama for Change: Women, Plight and Emotion in Chinese TV Drama , Shuyu Kong
Moral Ambivalence and Middle-Class Desires in a Neoliberal Society- A Study of a Chinese TV Drama 'Snail House', Ruoyun Bai
Spatial Divide and Class Formation in Chinese Urban Dramas , Yingfen Huang
The Little Nyonya and Peranakan Chinese identity, Gaik Cheng Khoo

Session 127: Contesting Ethnicity in Imperial China
An Interpretation on Huaxia Ethnicity and the Huaxia Empire during the Han Dynasty , Ming-Ke Wang
Strangers Inside the Gate: Who were the yi, Hui and Fan in Late Imperial China?, David G Atwill
The Sources and Acceptance of Modern Nation/nationality Concept in China around 1900, Rong Ma
What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Ethnicity? , Mark Elliott

Session 128: China’s Progress Towards a Harmonious Society: An Empirical Evaluation
A New Episode of Increased Urban Income Inequality, Quheng Deng
Changes in Gender Wage Inequality in Urban China—Causes and Consequences, Jin Song
Changes in Incomes and Inequality in Rural China, Chuliang Luo
Housing Privatization and Income Inequality in China, Ximing Yue
Inequality inchina: Challenges to a Harmonious Society, Shi Li
Inequality inchina: Challenges to a Harmonious Society, Terry Sicular
Trends in Han-Minority Earnings Differentials in Urban China, Samuel L. Myers, Jr.

Session 129: Ritual and Community in Late Imperial and Contemporary China - Sponsored by Society for the Study of Chinese Religions
From Sectarian Past to Buddhist Present: Ritual and Communal Change in the Dehua Hall, Tainan, Nikolas Broy
Inventing the Community Temple: Domination, Stratification, and Negotiation in Republican and Communist China, Hsinchao Wu
Mongols, Confucians, and the Dragon Lord: The Ritual Transformation of a Non-Han Community in the Yuan, Ming, and Qing, Tomoyasu Iiyama
Temple, Community, and Parade in Late Imperial Zhanglin, Macabe Keliher

Session 160: Marginalized Spaces/ Marginalized Voices: The Literature and Literary Activities of Writers in Colonial Taiwan
Between Two "Homelands": The Image of Masugi Shizue's Writings on Colonial Taiwan in the 1940s, Pei-chen Wu
Negotiating a Colonial Identity from a Female Perspective: The Works of Yang Qianhe and Sakaguchi Reiko, Anne E Sokolsky
The First Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Literature Conference" in 1942 (Tokyo) and the Literary People From/Based in the Colonies, Yukari Yoshihara
The Use of Colonial Myth in Education and the Shaping of Imperial Subjects , Robert Tierney

Session 161
: Roundtable: Social inequality in Chinese societies: Roundtable in honorof Rubie S. Watson

Session 162: Pressure-Points: Border-Crossing Incidents Within the Chinese Realm
“The Yi and Di Are People Too”: Tang-Dynasty Guangzhou as a Border-Crossing Zone, Adam Fong
Border-Crossing and Social Protest in the Han River Highlands in Mid-Qing China, Wensheng Wang
Crossing the Yangtze Through Space and Time: How the Jin Dynasty Loyalists Made a New Home in the South, Michelle M Low
The Making of a Chinese Citizen (Zhongguo Renmin) During the Cultural Revolution: The Immigrant History of the Korean Minority in China, Dong Jo Shin

Session 163: East Asian Maritime Security
Maritime security in East Asia, and U.S. policy, Trang T Pham

Session 164: Gendering Social Change in Hong Kong: Cross-Media Perspectives
Constructing Gender to Construct Hong Kong: Kuangcheng, Luanma and the Hong Kong Trilogy, Jennifer T Johnson
Dancing will Go on: Cabaret Culture and Urban Politics in Hong Kong Literature , Nim-yan Wong
Mandarin Pop Meets Tokyo Jazz: Gender and Genre Rebellion in Inoue Umetsugu’s Hong Kong Musicals, Jennifer Feeley
Shifts in Hong Kong Mainstream Cultural Representations of Masculinity post 2008, Mirana M Szeto

Session 165: Evolution of the Sino-Islamic Intellectual Tradition
A Proper Place for God: Ma Zhu’s Chinese-Islamic Theology, Jonathan N. Lipman
Between ‘Abd al-Wahhab and Liu Zhi, Chinese Muslim intellectuals at the edge of the twenty-first Century, Leila Chérif-Chebbi
Divine Principles for Reviving the World: Ma Dexin’s (1794-1874) Contribution to Islamic Thought, Kristian Petersen
Muslim Chinese or Muslims by ethnicity. From Huihui to Huizu. How did the Chinese Muslims become ethnic, Wlodzimierz Cieciura

Session 166
: Chinese Amateur’s Ambivalent Spaces: escapist pleasures, children mobility, smaller-screens’ lightness, distorted realities
Bodies, spaces and rhythms: film and Chinese youth cultures in 1988, Paul P Clark
Children - authority or amateurism in international film space? , Stephanie S Donald
Mainstream/Professional vs. Marginal/Amateur?, Ying Y Zhu
Smaller screen’s lightness: from accidental journalism to amateur/auteur microcinema, Paola P Voci

Session 167
: Migration, Gender and the Changing Family in China
In search of a modern urban life: New marriage trends and family life of young migrant couples in China, Hong Zhang
Migrant Working Women Remaking Gender and Family in China, Arianne Gaetano
Settling Down or Returning Home: Migration Intention and Split Households of Rural Migrants in Beijing, Cindy Fan
Trust and Shame While Living among Strangers: Female Migrant Workers’ Attitudes toward Premarital Pregnancy, Danning Wang

Session 168: Rethinking the Revolution in Postsocialist Political Discourse
Looking like a Democracy: The Evolution of “Democratic Rituals” from Mao to Hu-Wen, Yu Liu
Reeducation and Postsocialism: Communist Thought Reform in the Market Economy, Aminda M Smith
State, Market and Peasant: The End of Peasant Revolution, Alexander Day

Session 169: Rethinking China in the Third Century
A Marginal Voice: The Sarcophagus for Wang Hui, Lillian Lan-ying Tseng
Creating Unity from Division: The Three Kingdoms Era in Historiography and Fiction, Anne E. McLaren
Food and Memory: Rethinking Jian’an, Xiaofei Tian
From Utilitarian to Aesthetic: Fragrant Grove Park and a Changing Garden Aesthetic in Third Century Luoyang, Pauline Lin

Session 197
: New Perspectives on the Institutional Changes of 1950s China across the 1949 Divide: The Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) as a Critical Juncture - Sponsored by The Historical Society for 20th-Century China
“Nourishing the People, Feeding the Army: The Impact of Wartime Institutions and Ideology in Grain Supply in post-1949 Su’nan and Taiwan”, Julia C. Strauss
Historical Origins of Nationalization of Newspaper Industry in Modern China , Sei Jeong Chin
Redefining the Chinese Communist Revolution in Economic Institutions: Transforlution of Guizhou Regional State Enterprises through War and Revolution, 1937-1957, Bian L. Bian

Session 198: Rethinking Chinese Socialist Reconstruction : A Critical Perspective of Literary Representation
Singing out “New China”—An Examination of Fanshen Folk Songs in Land Reform Period (1946-1950), Zhuo Liu
“Discovering” Oral Traditions of Anti-Imperialism: The collection and editing of Tales of Peasant Rebellion in the P.R.China , Max Bohnenkamp
“Material Incentive” and “Permanent Revolution”: The Dialectics of Formation of New Sensorium in Hao Ran’s Novel, Yu Zhu
Becoming “Remoulded”: Zhou Erfu’s “Morning in Shanghai” and Limits of Socialist Transformation of Bourgeois Subjectivity in Early 1950s Shanghai, Lei Ping
The Making of “Totality” of Socialist Life and Its Destruction –Reading Wang Meng’s Season of Love (Lianai de jijie) , Kang Zhu

Session 199: Historical Representation of China
British Representations of Chinese Idiosyncrasies in Nineteenth Century Travel Writing, Stephanie Villalta Puig
Journey to the East: Western Construction of the Image of China from Marco Polo to "2012", Eddie C.Y. Kou
Re-imagined Modern Western History: The Interplay of Media Discourse and Politics in Contemporary China, Qing Cao
Sino Turkic Relations Through Historical Perspective, Aybike Seyma Tezel
The tradition of Chi confronts Newtonian optics: strategic assimilation in late Edo in Japan , Tomoko Onabe

Session 200: Forgeries, Fakes, and Imitations in Ming Publishing
A forged text attributed to Zhuge Liang: The Jiangyuan and its earliest extant edition, Imre Galambos
Claiming a Classical Dream Tradition: He Dongru and An Explication of the Profundities in the Forest of Dreams , Brigid Vance
Imitation Heroes: The Yinglie zhuan and the Social Uses of Vernacular Fiction in the Ming, Scott Gregory
The Forgery of the “Ancient Version” in Jin Shengtan’s Water Margin Commentary, Lei Chen

Session 201: Practices of Reading in Early and Medieval China
Modular Rhetoric Versus Meaningful Reading, K.E. Brashier
Religious Reading in Medieval China, Jack W Chen
The Practice of Quotation in Six Dynasties Poetry, Wendy Swartz
Training the Reader in Late Medieval China, Christopher Nugent

Session 202: Patriarchs on Paper: Literary Inventions of the Chan Masters
Communal Remembrances and Hagiographic Portrayals of Patriarch Ma: Buddhist Philosopher and Thaumaturge, Mario Poceski
Talk, Talk, Talk About It: Why Simple Truth Takes So Long to Explain in the Platform Sutra of Huineng, Alan Cole
When the Saints Go Marching In: Modern-day Zen Hagiography in America, Stuart Lachs
Yongming Yanshou and the Complexities of Chan Identity, Albert Welter

Session 203: Environmental politics in Greater China: towards an interdisciplinary approach
Dissent, Surveillance, Detainment: The New Politics of the Environment in China , Ralph RL Litzinger
Environmental governance in Taiwan: multiple levels of interaction, Simona Grano
Green GDP in China: The Ups and Downs of an Idea on Sustainable Growth., Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik
Improving Environmental Accountability by “Sham” Elections: The Case of Shanghai Maglev Protests , Ching-Ping CPT Tang

Friday April 1, Panels 8:00am – 4:45pm (204–380)

Session 237: Rethinking the 1911 Revolution in Global Context
The 1911 Revolution and the Overseas Chinese at Large, Jing Tsu
The 1911 Revolution and the Politics of Failure: The Legacy of Takeuchi Yoshimi in Postwar Japan , Viren Murphy
The Chinese Revolution, and Romantic Dreams of a Better Tomorrow in Early 20th Century Japan – Miyazaki Toten and Kita Ikki, Christian Uhl
The World in Liang Qichao’s Story of the Future of New China, Wang Ban

Session 238: Roundtable: Intellectual Politics and Media Politics in Contemporary China

Session 239: Film Culture in Communist China During the “Seventeen Years” (1949-1966)
A Forgotten History: the Private-owned Movie Industry of China (1949-1952), Yuan Zhao
Creating Positive Hero and Heroine on Screen: Discourses on Screen Acting, Stanislavski’s System, and Revolutionary Realism in China (1949-1966), Jessica Ka Yee Chan
From Satire to Eulogy: Reinventing Film Comedy during the Seventeen Years , Ying Bao
Intellectual Figures in Shen Fu’s Films (1956-1959), Yali Pei
Moving Pictures and Border Politics: Chinese Animation Film and its Japanese Connection in Early New China , Daisy Yan Du

Session 240: The Cultural Politics of Producing Urban Spaces in Contemporary China
Artistic Urbanization in Beijing: Cultural Production and State Control at the Urban Periphery, Meng Sun
Artistic Urbanization in Beijing: Cultural Production and State Control at the Urban Periphery, Xuefei Ren
Kitchen Politics: Producing Global Cuisine in a Chinese City, James Farrer
Narrating the Rising Female Middle Class in Urban Space: The Du Lala Phenomenon and Material Culture, Tsung-yi Michelle Huang
Non-Commercial Nightlife of the Elderly in Beijing , Guohua Zeng
Non-Commercial Nightlife of the Elderly in Beijing , Matthew M.T. Chew

Session 241: Workshop: Current Trends in Chinese Science, Technology, and Medicine (STM): Treasures from the Past and a Burst of New Chinese Research in STM

Session 242: Taiwanese Firms in the World
Toiling for the World: Labor Processes in Taiwanese Export Manufacturing Firms in the Coastal China , Ming-chi Chen
Curse in Disguise: The Locked-in Effects of Taiwan’s Success in Original Equipment Manufacturing Production, Yi-feng Tao
Fast follower’s innovation: the pattern of Taiwanese firms’ technological upgrading, Jenn Hwan Wang
Taiwanese Enterprises as Global Firms, Jonathan Brookfield
The restructuring of the production network of small and medium-sized firms: a case study of the Taiwanese bicycle industry, Michelle Hsieh

Session 243: “Traditional” Chinese Theater on the Modern Stage -Sponsored by CHINOPERL
“Mega” versus “Mini”: Two Recent Trends in Chinese Opera Stage Productions, Judith T. Zeitlin
Curiously Relevant: Same-sex Love on the Kunqu Stage in Women in Love (Lianxiangban) , Sara Kile
In Search of "Shidai Gan": Three Decades of Experiments in Making Jingju “Relevant for the Times”, Elizabeth Wichmann-Walczak
Staging Cinematic Moments: A Case Study of the Longing Scene in the Kunqu Production Women in Love (Lianxiangban, 2010), Peng Xu

Session 244: Studying Ping’an Village: Multi-Disciplinary Methods, Concepts, and Approaches to Ethnicity and Tourism in Rural China
An Anthropological Study on the Relationship among the Hosts in Ethnic Tourism Development, Zhong Jun Wu
Ethnographer as Distributor: Using Performance (and Ethnography) for Political and Economic Agency at a Chinese Tourist Site, Jessica A Turner
Impacts of Tourism on Folk Traditions in Ping’an Village , Gan Li Xu
The People in the Picture: Video as Analysis in Ethnographic Fieldwork , Jenny Chio

Session 245: Roundtable: New Themes and Directions in Chinese Art History

Session 246: The Reincarnation of Lu Xun in East Asia
Representing Contemporary China as a Cannibalistic Society --Interpreting Li Yang’s Blind Mountain and Blind Shaft in the Light of Cannibalism Portrayed in Lu Xun’s “A Madman’s Diary” , Wei-Hsin W.H. Lin
The Appropriations of Lu Xun in Taiwan in Colonial and Early Post-war Periods, Pei-Yin P.Y. Lin
Tuberculosis and East Asian Modernism: Blood drinking and Inter-subjectivity in Lu Xun’s “Medicine”, Yokomitsu Riichi’s “Climax”, and Yi Taejun’s “Crows” , Jeesoon J. Hong

Session 270: Patterns of Governance in Contemporary China
Fiscalization of Land and Public Goods Provision , Susan H. Whiting
In Search of Good Governance and Public Goods in Rural China, Jean C. Oi
In Search of Good Governance and Public Goods in Rural China, Shukai Zhao
They Have Issues: Do Public Goods Produce Public Support in China?, Bruce J. Dickson
Urban Governance and Public Goods Provision, Tony Saich

Session 282: Beyond Cultural Essentialism: Neo-Orientalism in Chinese Studies
“Character Fetishization” in Chinese Studies, Edward McDonald
Neo-Orientalism and the Myth of Chinese Holism, Edward Slingerland
Theory in Asia, Miranda Brown
Who’s Afraid of Chinese Ghosts?, Paul Goldin

Session 283: From Hand Craft to Industry: China’s Rural Economy & Gender Relations, 1880-1980
Footbinding and Chinese Textiles: Women's Labor and Footbinding in Early 20th Century Rural China, Laurel Bossen
Political Action against Footbinding, Hill Gates
The Effect of Footbinding on Women’s Marriage Mobility, Melissa Brown
Women’s Work and the Politics of Homespun in Socialist China, 1949-1980, Jacob Eyferth

Session 284: The White Snake and the Wise Judge: Literature and the Local in Late Imperial China
Drum Ballads as Local Literature in Nineteenth Century China, Margaret Baptist Wan
General Conventions and Local Adaptations in Mulian Drama: A case study of Mulian plays in Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhengjiang province, Yilin Liu
Localizing White Snake: Hangzhou, Zhenjiang, and the Dread of Flooding, Roland Altenburger
Zhiguai and the Local in the early seventeenth century: the case of Qian Xiyan's Kuai Yuan, Rania Huntington

Session 285: Transnationalism and “Chineseness” in the Cinematic and Performing Arts
Geographies and Geometries of Exchange: Conceptualizing Transnational Chinese Theatre(s), Rossella Ferrari
Remaking “Chineseness” in the Era of Trans-Studies, Yiman Wang
The French Gao Xingjian, Claire Conceison
Zhang Yimou’s Hero and its Strange “Debt” to Kurosawa, Margaret Hillenbrand

Session 286: Marginal Incorporation: The Second Generation of Rural Migrants in Urban China
Inherited Distinction: Peasant Identity as a Durable Chinese Institution, Li Ma
New Citizens In-Between: Second-Generation Migrants and NGOs in Contemporary Urban China, Minhua Ling
Underclass, School and Class Reproduction: Why did Education Fail to Provide Upward Mobility for Migrant Children in Shanghai , Yihan Xiong
Unfulfilled Desires and Fractured Identities: The Second Generation of Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China, Pei-Chia Lan

Session 287: Rethinking the 1911 Revolution: Interrogating the Chinese Republic
Gender and the “Virtue of Violence”: Creating a New Vision of Public Engagement, Louise Edwards
In the Name of the Republic: Cai Yuanpei in 1912, Chaohua Wang
Living the Revolution: Narratives of 1911 in the Early Republic, Peter Zarrow
The Genealogy of the Chinese Nation in Modern China, Yujiro Murata
The Politicization of the Concept of 'Pingdeng' in the 1911 Revolution, Jeng-guo Chen

Session 288: Can the Subaltern speak Chinese?
Demolition as Crisis: Documentary Cinema and the Subaltern in Today’s China, Ying Qian
Desperately Seeking My Wage: Rural Construction Workers and the Cultural Politics of Voice in Urban China , Wanning Sun
Imagining State and Society: Illegal Labor Activism in a “Harmonious” Society, Diana Fu
Subalterns in Maoist China: A critical exploration of the “resistance paradigm” , Felix Wemheuer

Session 289: Roundtable: Chinese Ancient Classics Publishing: Trends & Challenges

Session 290: China and Beyond: Exchange of Material Cultures
Chasing Deer Beyond the Central Plain: Deer-Shaped Jade Carvings in the Western Zhou Period (1046-771 BCE) , Lai Pik Chan
The Possible Origins of Jade Goblet in China, Eileen Hau-ling Lam
The Sogdians and Their Role in Cultural Exchange Between Ancient China and the Persian Cultural Sphere, Susanna Lam

Session 291: Metropologies: Imperial Cities and Literary Form in China
A City of Remembrance and Remorse: Literary Representations of Hangzhou in Yuan-Dynasty Notebooks (Biji), Gang Liu
A City of Substance: Regional Custom and the Political Landscape of Shaoxing in a Southern Song Rhapsody, Benjamin B Ridgway
A Neo-Classical City: Chang’an in Late Western Han Edicts and Memorials, Michael Nylan
Writ in Shadows: Urban Commerce and Social Pageantry in Tang Examination Anecdotes, Linda R Feng

Session 307: Beyond the Middle Kingdom: China’s Political Economy in Comparative Perspective
Chinese Welfare Policy and the Politics of Uneven Development, Mark Frazier
Comparing China’s Capitalists: Neither Democratic Nor Exceptional, Kellee Tsai
Crossing the River by Feeling for Stones or Carried Across by the Current? The Transformation of the Chinese and Russian Automotive Sectors, Andrew Wedeman
Fragmented Influence: Business Lobbying in China in Comparative Perspective, Scott Kennedy
When Are Banks Sold to Foreigners? An Examination of the Politics of Selling Banks in Mexico, Korea, and China, Victor Shih

Session 326: Approaching the Socialist New Man in China: Aesthetics and Politics
Primitive Communism, the Ancient Society, and the "Socialist Newness:" A Genealogy of the Human from Engels to Guo Moruo, Pu Wang
The Anxiety of Legitimacy: The Socialist New Man and His Aesthetic Judgment, 1956-1964, Xiang He
The Construction of the New Man: From The October Revolution to The Post-Communist Era: A Historical Perspective, Angel Ferrero
The Curtain Falls on the Socialist New Man: Case Study of a Red Guard Literature and Arts Propaganda Troupe , Amy O'Keefe

Session 327: Constructions of Daoist Pantheons and Their Functions in Ritual
Gods, Patriarchs, and Masters in Living Color: Representations of a Daoist Pantheon from Hunan Province, David Mozina
The Pantheon of the Yushu jing and the Gods of Late Song Thunder Rites, Poul Andersen
What pantheon is this? The gods and practices of the Central Scripture of Laozi, Gil Raz
With both feet firmly up in the air: Who controls Zhang Wulang, the controller of demons?, Mark Meulenbeld

Session 328: Individual Papers: Chinese Cinema
From Two-Line Struggle to Triangular Love: Blooming Flowers and Full Moon (1958) as a Polyvocal Microcosm , ZHUOYI WANG
Film as Manifestation of China’s Soft Power--Latest Trends of China’s Film Industry , Weiqun (Wendy) Su
The Uncontainable Flow in the Networks: The Counter-Espionage Films at the Turn of 1980s , Xiao LIU
Beyond the New Waves: Uncovering Taiwanese Comedy , George Chun Han Wang

Session 329: Political Culture, Identity, and Legitimacy During the Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang
Fraught Identities: Visual Tensions in Northern Dynasties Tombs, Bonnie Cheng
Politics of the Fictive Family: Tang Surname Bestowal, Fosterage and Adoption, Jonathan K. Skaff
Sociopolitical Network and Legitimated Power: Sogdian Merchants and Their Xianbei Rulers in Mid-Six Century China, Mandy Jui-man Wu
The Nation as Army, the Lord as Warrior-King: Definition and Redefinition of the Nature of the Northern Wei State , Scott Pearce

Session 330: Environmental Management and Nation Building in China's Periphery: Historical and Geographical Approaches
Drinking Water Security and National Development in Northwest China, Afton Clarke-Sather
Fur Politics in the Qing Empire: Defending Lake Khovsgol, 1750-1850, Jonathan Schlesinger
Mining and State Building in Xinjiang during the 1940s, Judd Kinzley
The Great Green Wall: Forests for the State, Trees for the Nation, Hong Jiang

Session 331: Roundtable: The (Re)Globalization of China -Sponsored by the China and Inner Asia Council

Session 332: Place, Heritage, and Construction of the Local
Alai’s Native-Place Ethnography: Re/locating Tibet?, Yiyan Wang
Mosuo Identity in “Nu’er Guo”: Toward Theorizing Ethnotourism, Authenticity and Place, Eileen Walsh
Provincial Republicanism and the Local Epic , Yi Zheng
Scripture Rounds at Moerduo Mountain: Spatial Practice and Embodied Text, Xinjian Xu

Session 333: The Politics and Practices of Knowledge Production in China Studies
A Census for Policing the Colony: The First Census in Colonial Taiwan in 1905 , Akiko Ishii
Representing and Practicing Class during the Cultural Revolution, Yiching Wu
The Pitfall of the Middle-class Conscience in Doing Ethnographic Research in China , Suowei Xiao
The Practices and Politics of Investigative Research during the Great Leap Forward , Ping-Chun Hsiung

Session 334: Negotiating Cultural Boundaries in Taiwan
Mapping Indigenous Knowledge, Negotiating Environmental Policy: An Action Research on the Watershed Conservation in Taiwan, Da-Wei ( Daya Dakasi) Kuan
Over Alcohol Consumption in Truku Society: A Political Economic Perspective, Hung-Yu Ru
Re-negotiating Chineseness: Taiwanese Migrants in China , Shuling Huang
Tea-Serving Volunteers and Wilderness Crusade: Cultural Conflicts in Taiwan’s Environmentalism, Ming-sho Ho
Who Are the Disabled People? Politics of Recognition in the Disability Classification System in Taiwan, Heng-hao Chang

Session 335: Social Impacts of China’s New Growth Model
China’s New Challenge—Balancing the Interests of Labour and Overseas Investors, Chun-Yi Lee
Demographic Challenges and the Coming Change of the One-Child Policy, Thomas Scharping
In dire need of skilled labor. New challenges to the vocational education system, Guenter Schucher
In dire need of skilled labor. New challenges to the vocational education system, Jinyang Zhu
Packaging policies of the new growth model., Flemming Christiansen
Sexualities at Work: White-Collar Beauties in Urban China, Jieyu Liu
The violence of human capital: education, development, and "failed youth", Terry Woronov

Session 370: Is China's climate policy at home better than it is appearing in international negotiations?
China's climate change mitigation policies and positions, Ying Chen
Climate change policies as multi-level, multi-actor processes, Doris Fischer
CO2-emission reduction in the building sector and contribution to China's climate change mitigation targets, Andreas Oberheitmann

Session 371: The New Chinese Political and Cultural Identity: Harmonious in the Nation or the Globe?
Civil Society: The Public Sphere in China of 1917-1937 and Today, Stimulated by Lu Xun and Han Han in their Role as the National Critical Conscience, Martin Woesler
Foreign Policy: Harmony under Heaven? China’s View and Discourse of a Globalized, Multipolarized World, Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
Identity and Literature: What is Chineseness, Again: Old Myths and New Insights Drawn from Contemporary Chinese Literature, Karin Betz
Inner Policy: Economic Forgetting and Self-Contradictory Nationalism in Contemporary China, Guoguang Wu

Session 372: Sinophone Interventions: Reconfigurating Sinophonic Time and Space in East Asian Cultures
From Critique of Ideology to Jargon of Authenticity: the Other Question in Wu He's Remains of Life, Chien-heng Wu
Negotiating with the Foreign: Wang Zhenhe’s Linguistic Transgressions and Radicalization of National Historiography, Yin Wang
Sinophonic Articulations within China: Historicizing “Protect Cantonese” Street and Media Activism, Jia Tan
The Local as the Translational: Sinophone Performances in Colonial Taiwan, Chunyen Wang

Session 373: Shaped Images: Social and Artistic Responses to Pictorial Formats in Chinese Painting
“Not Suitable for Gentlemen”: shinü tu in the Song dynasty, Bo Liu
Artistic Sensitivity to Formats as Revealed in Depictions of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, Ellen Johnston Laing
Meditating Formats: The Case of Representing Peach Blossom Spring in Chinese Painting, Wen-chien Cheng
The Album Format in Seventeenth-Century Nanjing Painting, Gregory Seiffert

Session 374: Rethinking Empress Dowager Cixi through the Production of Art
En-gendering Space: Empress Dowager Cixi and the Reconstruction Project of Garden of Perfectly Bright, Ying-chen YP Peng
Oneself as a Female Deity: Representations of Empress Dowager Cixi Dressing as Guanyin, Yuhang YL Li
The Empress Dowager as Dramaturg: Reinventing Late-Qing Court Theatre, Liana LC Chen

Session 375: The Politics of Media Representation in China: The Maoist Era and Beyond
“Changing Society and Changing Images of Women in Media”, Yuping Zhang
“Reading Red through Black: How Maoist China Used Race to Legitimize its Leadership of the Third World”, Vera L Fennell
“Representations of China in Asia: CCTV’s Overseas Broadcasts”, John Jirik

Session 376: “Fitting the Foreign into China, 1861-1901: Late-Qing Responses to Global Uniformities in Diplomacy and State-Making”
“Provincializing Foreign Affairs: Late-Qing ‘Regionalism,’ State-Making, and the Communication Crisis of 1900”, Roger R. Thompson
“Restructuring late 19th-century Power: Balancing Central and Local Concerns” , Jennifer Rudolph
They Will Look Upon the Most Secret and Important Places”: Political Globalization and its Enemies in Nineteenth Century China”, Richard S. Horowitz

Session 377: Law and Legal Literature in the Early Chinese Empires: New Perspectives on the Formation of the Chinese Intellectual Tradition
A New Framework for Old Problems: The Meaning of the Han ‘Confucian Turn’ as Exemplified in Legal Argument, Michael Lüdke
Conceptualizing Written Law in Early China: Philosophical Debates over the Nature of Law and the Influence of Writin, Ernest Caldwell
Practical Casebook or Early Court-Case Literature: A New Interpretation of the Zouyan shu ("Book of Submitted Doubtful Cases"), Anthony J. Barbieri-Low
The Many Faces Of Law In Early Imperial China, Karen Turner

Session 378: Creating Socialist Urban Space: Chinese Cities in the 1950s
Mobilizing Women and Creating Socialist Neighborhood in Beijing, 1949-1952, Zhao Ma
State and Popular Entertainment in Early PRC Shanghai, Jin Jiang
State Control and Rise of Socialist Amusement: Reform of Popular Performance and Performers at the Teahouse in early 1950s Chengdu, Di Wang

Session 379: Operatic Genre-Crossing and Visual Adaptation in the Shadow of Wartime China
Affect, Folklore and Cantonese Opera Film, Xiangyang Chen
Love between the Theatrical Heaven and Cinematic Clouds: A Study of the Chinese Mythology Opera Film The Heavenly Match (Tianxian pei), Lanjun Xu
Restoring China: Uses of the Past in Fei Mu’s Operatic Cinema, Kenny Ng
The Reincarnation of the White Snake in the Shadow of the Cold War, Liang Luo

Saturday April 2, Panels 7:30am – 8:15pm (381–580)

Session 414: "Networking Power in the Late Qing and Early Republic: an Examination of the Political, Social and Cultural Landscape of Early Twentieth Century China."
“Chinese Kaleidoscope: The Multi-Network Faces of Wang Jingfa, Revolutionary Hero and Scoundrel”, R. Keith Schoppa
“Culture from Connections: Guanxi Networks that Shaped the Kaiming Publishing, 1925-1930.”, Ling A Shiao
“Spider Manchu: Duanfang and His Telegram Webs, 1900-1911.”, Elya J Zhang
“The Landscape of Networks in Early Twentieth-Century China.” , Anne S Chao

Session 415: China in the World: National Culture on the Global Stage
Chinese Net Idols: Poverty, Cosmopolitanism, and Affective Economy, Hai Ren
Shanghai Postmodern? Cultural identity, cosmopolitanism and class in literary representations of Taiwanese transnationals, Darryl Sterk
Zhang Chengzhi and the Global Chinese Muslim, Wendy Larson

Session 416: Chinese enterprises under the postwar transformation: a comparative study between coastal China, interior China and Taiwan
Business before and after the Communist Revolution: a case study of the Shanghai Dazhonghua Rubber Factory , Jun Kajima
The Taking Over and Rebuilding of the Machine Industry -The Taiwan Machine Manufacturing Corporation During the 1940’s and 1950’s , Sao Yang Hong
Yudahua in transformation: the changing corporate culture under the Five-Anti Movement, Juanjuan Peng

Session 417: “Making Senses” of the Chinese Textual Tradition: Problems of Experience, Language and Knowledge
Healing Hands : A Study of Tactile Touch in Medical Practice in Imperial China, Margaret WS Ng
Tactility Besieged by Literary Form? The Debate on Mai Jue in Tang and Song, Hao Chen
What Is An Elephant Vessel? Artifact and Verbal Description in the Eleventh-Century Antiquarian Movement , Ya Zuo
Wu Daozi and His Literati Observers: The Language of Art Criticism in the Song , Jun Hu

Session 418: Religion-state relations at the political margins in contemporary China: Christian “house churches,” faith-based charity, and ritual Confucianism
Control of Official Religious Associations but Resistance by Popular Religious Groups? Assessing the Management of Religious Practices in Contemporary China, Carsten T. Vala
Exit, Voice, and Repurposing: Religious resistance, loyalty, and faith-based organizations in China , Susan K. McCarthy
The Revival of Confucius Worship: The Renewal and Reinvention of Personal Rites in Confucius Temples in Contemporary China , Anna Sun
Variations in Regime Responses to Unregistered House Churches in China, Teresa Wright
Variations in Regime Responses to Unregistered House Churches in China , Teresa Zimmerman-Liu

Session 419: Architecture as Religious Culture in Pre-modern China
Gardens of the Great Peace: Concepts of Paradise in the Peach Blossom Spring and the Islands of the Immortals , Nathaniel Walker
Perfection and Simplicity in Shanxi Province: The Fan-shaped Bracket Sets of the Main Halls at Shuozhou Chongfusi and Xiaohuiling Erxianmiao , Alexandra Harrer
Region, Locale, and the Temple Architecture of Medieval China, Tracy G Miller
Theater Underground: Representation of Performance Space in Pingyang Tombs, Fan Zhang

Session 420: Xi, nu, ai, le: mapping the emotional lives of modern China
Anger (nu/fen) and Terror: Anarchism and the Cult of Youth in Ba Jin’s Early Novels, Mingwei Song
Exotic Sorrow (ai) and Cultural Politics: Zhou Shoujuan’s Duzhuan Fiction in Early Republican Era, 1914-1917, Jianhua Chen
Happiness (xi): Maids, Tenants, and the Urban Merry-Go-Round in the Professor Tian Series, Haiyan Lee
The Joys (le) of Running Away: China’s Wartime Picaresque, Christopher G Rea

Session 421: “Chinese Characteristics” versus “Universal Values”: A Great Debate
From Universalism to “Particular National Situation”: What's behind CCP’s Shifting Position?, Chonyi Feng
How China Stands Up: the Critique of Chinese Historicism, David Kelly
Introduction “Chinese Characteristics” versus “Universal Values”: A Great Debate, yinghong cheng
The Chinese Perception of “Universal Values”: An Overseas Media Perspective, Yan Chen

Session 422: Local Policy Experimentation in the PRC: From Mao to Now
Learning Locally during the Deng Era , Lawrence C. Reardon
Policy Experimentation in the Mao Era , Mobo Gao
Post-Mao Collectivism: Debating “Red Millionaire” (hongse yiyuan) Villages in the Era of Market Reform , Patricia M. Thornton
State-led rural development in contemporary China , Kristen Looney

Session 423: Individual Papers: Modern Chinese Art
Double Visibilities:Gugong Weekly and the Publication of the Imperial Collection, 1929-1936 , Tongyun TY Yin
The Business of Art: Art Market in Shanghai during the 1930s , Pedith Pui Chan
Defining the Boundary of Art District: Comparative Study of Beijing and Shanghai, China , Jun Wang

Session 424: Individual Papers: China and the World I
Being Liberal: Does a liberal China Matter for World Politics? , Xiaoming Huang
A Brief History of China in Afghanistan, Jonathan Z Ludwig
The Changing Politics of Peacekeeping: China’s impact on United Nations peacekeeping, Ivan W Rasmussen
The Politics of China’s Space Cooperation: Brazil and South Africa in Comparative Perspective , Marco Cepik

Session 459: Everyday Maoism:material culture and everyday life in 1950s China
Consumers under Communism: The Fate of Bourgeois Material Culture after 1949 , Karl Gerth
Mao and Food Culture: the Quotidian as Statecraft in Chinese Politics, Hanchao Lu
Serving New China: 1950’s Consumer Ceramics and Enamel Ware, Alfreda Murck
Tailor shops in 1950s Beijing: small business and the loss of small freedoms, Antonia Finnane

Session 460: From Literati to Intellectuals: Publishing and the Commodification of Culture in Qing and Republican China
'Self-Cultivation in English': The Commercial Press and Foreign-Language Publishing in the Early Republic, Michael Gibbs Hill
A World of Knowledge for the Circle of Common Readers: Commercial Press’ Partnership with China’s Academic Elite, Robert Culp
Commercial publishing, Examination, and Literati Identity in Ming Qing China, Kai-wing Chow
From Literati to Intellectuals: Print Capitalism and Academic Professionalization in Early 20th Century China, Tze-ki Hon

Session 461: Who Writes Local History? Gazetteers and Government from Ming to Modern Times
Contemporary Use of Local Histories: A Case Study of Haining , Qin Fang
Gazetteers: Going Beyond Searchable Text, Peter Bol
Jiading County Goes Upscale: the evolution of the Jiading County gazetteer 1557-1673, Katherine Carlitz
The Pelliot Collection of Local Gazetteers from Western China, Joseph Dennis
Writing of city history at Gross Root Level-- Chinese gazetteers for city districts (chengqu zhi) and neighborhoods (jiedao zhi) , Zhaohui Xue
Writing of city history at Gross Root Level-- Chinese gazetteers for city districts (chengqu zhi) and neighborhoods (jiedao zhi), haihui zhang

Session 462: The Past in the Present: Process versus Periods in China’s Revolutionary History
A second fanshen: big time village real estate in post-reform Guangzhou, Helen F Siu
Anyuan and Pingxiang, integrating radical trade unionism into civic consciousness, Xi He
Putting Revolution on Track: Railroad Guerillas and the Image Creation of Railroads in Post-War China, Elisabeth Koll
Seek lost rituals from afar: the Chinese Overseas in the preservation of Chinese traditions, Kenneth Dean

Session 463: Choosing Chinese Paintings for American Museums in the Early Twentieth Century
A Qing Official Turned Art Dealer: John Ferguson’s Success as a Trader of Chinese Paintings, 1912-1917, Lara Netting
China and Chinese Art in American Museums at the Turn of the Twentieth-Century, Jane C Ju
Chinese Art for America: Charles Lang Freer’s Unusual Partnership with Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer, Ingrid Larsen
The Missing Catalogue of Pang Yuanji: Pang and His Modern Art World, Katharine Burnett

Session 465: Approaches to Legitimacy in Early Medieval China - Sponsored by Early Medieval China Group
Buddhism and the Early Tuoba Northern Wei Rulership (386-494 CE), Chin-Yin Tseng
From Buddhist Borderland to Heartland, Pokan Chou
Legitimation through Delegitimation: Western Jin’s Anti-Wei Musical Scale and Anti-Wei Bamboo Slips, Howard Goodman
The Liang Princes and the Western Command, Andrew Chittick
Xie Tiao and the Persona of Recluse-Administrator, Cynthia Chennault

Session 467: Individual Papers: Modern Chinese Literature II
The Voice of Otherness in Ha Jin’s Waiting , Yunzi Li
"Anything at variance with it must be revised accordingly": Re-writing of Modern Chinese Literature During the Maoist Period , Taciana Prof. FISAC
Identity crisis and identity construction in contemporary China: A study of Xu Xun’s play/novel Chen Yinke and Liu Rushi , I-Hsien I Chu
Confucius Met Nanzi and the Formation of Lin Yutang’s Feminist Thought , Fang FL Lu
A Journey of Blockage and a Mosquito Sting – The Lyrical in the Modern Chinese Context , Li Jin

Session 468: Cripping Chinese Cinemas
(In)visible Queer Intimacies of Care, Labor and Disability: Hospital Wing 8 East and Lesbian Factory, Chien-ting Lin
Cripping Film Festival: The Cultural Politics of the First Hong Kong International Deaf Film Festival, Siu Yan Xavier Tam
Disability as Political Trope in the Cinema of Tsai Ming-liang, Kenneth Chan
Negotiating the Rise of Female Power: The Disabled Martial Arts Hero in "One-Armed Swordsman", Jeffrey Tan

Session 501: Reconsidering Originality: New Approaches in East Asian Art
A New Way of Doing Business: Diversity, Identity, and Originality in Contemporary Korea Art , J.P. Park
Obsessed with Copying: The Experimental Calligraphy of Qiu Zhijie, Chang Tan
Originality and the Expanded Palette in Works by Late Ming Artist Chen Hongshou (1599-1652) , Tamara H. Bentley
Step 18: Sign "Vincent" , Winnie Won Ying Wong

Session 502: Global Representation of China
Disputed Borders, Conflicting Media: The ‘China threat’ Perception in India, Louise Merrington
How does the world respond to China's 60th anniversary celebration during the global economic recession?, Jiangnan Zhu
Party Crasher? –How Will Foreign Correspondents Cover Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s 90th Birthday Party, Xu Wu
Perception of China and Chinese in Angolan and Zambian Media, Jaroslaw Jura
Views from Afar: How Latin America Sees China, Ariel Armony

Session 503: Imperial Strategies in Transition: The Qinghai/Amdo Frontier Between Empire and Nation
Between Empire and Nation: The United Front, National Integration, and Socialist Transformation in 1950s Zeku (Tsekhok) County, Benno R Weiner
Between Lhasa and Nanjing: Qinghai/Amdo and the Remapping of Sino-Tibetan Relations in the Republic of China, Brent Haas
Networks of Patronage: Authority and Change at the Six Karwaka Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries, Nicole Willock
The Local Imperial: Qing Colonial Officials and Attitudes, Gansu 1820-1912, Max Oidtmann

Session 504: Knowing Places: Cultural Geographies of Song China
Building Culture, the Culture of Building: A Study of Naming Song Government Office Compounds, Cong Ellen Zhang
Cartographic Persuasion: Interpretations of the “Tribute of Yu” in Song Dynasty Maps, Martin Hofmann
One Land of Many Places: The Geographic Integration of Local Culture in the Southern Song , Jeffrey Moser
Welcome to the Occupation: Remapped Spaces and Transposed Memories in Southern Song Ambassadors’ Accounts of Jin-dynasty Kaifeng, Ari Daniel Levine

Session 505: Does the Past Tell Us Anything? History, Asia’s Regional Politics, and China’s Resurgence
China and the Security Dilemma in the Cold War and After: Learning to Rise Peacefully?, Andrew Scobell
From Asian Neighbors to Chinese Provinces: Implications from China’s Historical Expansion to the Periphery, Victoria Tin-bor Hui
Popular Narratives Versus Chinese History: Implications for China's Rise, Ja Ian Chong
When China Ruled the “World”: A Study of Chinese Hegemony in East Asian History, Yuan-kang Wang

Session 506: Chinese Society at the Margins: Social Boundaries, Status, and the Representation of Marginal Categories During the Ming-Qing Transition
Beyond Buying and Selling: Prostitutes, Pimps, and Their Clients in the Judicial Cases from the Late Ming and Early Qing Periods, Ka-chai Tam
Distinguishing Between Master and Bondservant: Status, Law, and Judicial Treatment of Bondservants in 17th Century China, Claude Chevaleyre
Representing Beggars and Street People in 17th and 18th Centuries China, Alice Bianchi
The Evolution of “Substatutes on Rootless Rascals”: A Dynamic Legislative Adaptation to Social Changes from the 17th to the 18th Centuries, Ning Zhang

Session 507: New Perspectives on the History of Reading in Late Imperial China
A New Technology of Learning to Read: Wang Yun and his Method of Teaching Young Children, Li Yu
Reading in the Margins: Learning Foreign Languages in Late Imperial China, Carla Nappi
Shiwu bao (China Progress) and Its Readers, Kuang-che Pan

Session 508: China’s New Terrains of Government
Inequality, Class and Social Justice in Postsocialist China: Convergence of Intellectual and Official Discourses, Yingjie Guo
Media Presentations of Intercultural Marriage in the People’s Republic of China (1979–2009), Pan Wang
Prospects for a Multicultural Future in Qinghai, Susette Cooke
Zhang Ziyi and China’s Celebrity–Philanthropy Scandals, Elaine Jeffreys

Session 509: Confronting the State and Reshaping State-Society Relations Through Collective Action: Popular Protests, Civic Groups, and Activism in China and Taiwan
Collective Action and Self-Help Organizations in China’s AIDS Villages, Chan-Hsi Wang
Negotiating Women’s Interests and Organizational Space: Women’s NGOs and Collective Action in Beijing and Yunnan, Yun Fan
State, Civic Groups, and Deliberative Democracy: Collective Action and Citizen Participation in Taiwan, Kuo-ming Lin
Targets Matter: Dynamic Popular Protests and Changing State-Society Relations in China, Chih-Jou Jay Chen
The Professionalization of Homeowners’ Activism in Beijing, Yongshun Cai

Session 510: Chinese Silent-Era Filmmaking: Interdisciplinary Approaches
A Midwife for the Movies: Print Culture and the Formation of Early Chinese Cinema, Nicolai Volland
Framing the “Modern Marriage” in Shanghai Silent-era Films of the 1920s, Paul G. Pickowicz
New Ideas, Old Structures: A Sociological Interpretation of Marriage Prospect Dilemmas Faced by Chinese Youth in the 1920s-1930s, Lijun Yang
Shanghai Among Equals: Comparative Chronologies of Early East Asian Cinema, Matthew D. Johnson

Session 511: Tracking the Works of Tsai Ming-Liang: Body, Sound, and the Reinscription of East Asia in Global Cinema
Sonic Spectacles of Sex in the City: The Sound of Sex in Tsai Ming-Liang’s The Wayward Cloud, Song Hwee Lim
Theatrics of Cruising: Bath Houses and Movie Houses in Tsai Ming-liang’s Films, Guo-Juin Hong
Tsai Ming-Liang and the Intertextual Songtress, Jean Ma
Wayward Citations: Cruising and the Adventures of Slow Cinema, Dan O'Neill

Session 512: Individual Papers: China's Changing Institutional System
Chinese Gradualism as Darwinian Evolution: The Dual-Track Price Reform , Shu Yun Ma
The Political Economy of China's Response to the Global Financial Crisis , Jeremy Wallace
The Political Logic of China's Center-Local Fiscal Transfers: The China-North Korea Relationship , Jihyeon Jeong
China’s Institutional Fabric and Its Future Development Trajectory- Institutional Complementarities and Innovative Capacity in China - , Patrick Juenemann
The Making of a Bidding System in China’s Government Procurement: Prospects and Problems , Na Zhou

Session 545: Madness and politics in China, 1700-2010: interdisciplinary perspectives
Grieving from the Tangshan Earthquake to the Wenchuan Earthquake: The Emergence of the Category of Trauma in China, Everett Zhang
Madmen talking? Delirium, symbolic sedition, and state violence in eighteenth-century Chinese trials, Fabien Simonis
Madness, Medicine, and Politics: Representations of Mental Illness in the Poetry of Guo Lusheng and Wen Jie, Birgit Linder

Session 546: Marking Authenticity, Authenticating the Copy: Vexed Matters of Ownership in Late Imperial and Modern China
Audacious Fraud or Masterful Imitation? Ownership, Authenticity, and Chinese Copycats in an Early Twentieth-Century Regime of Trademarks, Eugenia Lean
Authentically Obsolete: Uses of Seal Script in Republican China, Elizabeth Lawrence
Authenticity and Chinese Identity in the Bodyworlds Exhibits and Beyond, Larissa Heinrich
Making a Mark: Imperial Production and the Culture of the Duplicate, Bruce Rusk

Session 547: Para/texts: Constructing Identity and Authorial Image in Women's Literary Collections in 18th- and 19th-century China
Legitimating the Identity of Writing Women in Eighteenth-Century Elite Discourse: The Case of Bao Zhihui’s Qingyuge yingao (Recited Drafts from Clear Joy Loft) , Wanming Wang
Public Image and Self-Representation: Auto/biographical Constructions in Zheng Lansun’s (?-1861) Literary Collection Lianyinshi ji (Collection of the Studio of Lotus Karma) , Zhifeng Wang
Texts and Paratexts: Who Speaks Louder in Literary Collections by Young Women in the Qing Period? , Grace S Fong
Wang Peihua (b. 1767), A Bodhisattva of the Inner Quarters, Christopher Byrne

Session 548: Representing Buddhist Monks and Nuns in Late Imperial Chinese Religion and Literature
Autobigraphies of Wmen Buddhist Masters of Late Imperial China, Beata Grant
Epistolary Hearsay: Judging Buddhist Monks , Jennifer Eichman
Monks, Nuns, and Temples in Dream of the Red Chamber , Yiqun Zhou
Preserving Orthodoxy through Self-Inflicted Violence: Representation as Embodied Practices , Jimmy Yu

Session 549: Navigators of Global Trade in the Canton Era (ca. 1700-1840)
Canton Era Chinese Mariners: Transoceanic Workers, Cross-cultural practices and Changing British Maritime Labor practices, Iona Man-Cheong
Conciliating Trade and Politics: Floating Brothels and the Canton Flower Boats, Paul A. Van Dyke
Global Positioning: Houqua and his China Trade partners in the Nineteenth Century, John D. Wong
Navigating Trade: Canton Chop Boats bringing China to the World, Susan E. Schopp

Session 550: Word and Image in Chinese Film Adaptation
Autumn Gem: Reimagaing the Life of Qiu Jin on Screen, Adam Tow
Autumn Gem: Reimagining the Life of Qiu Jin on Screen, Rae Chang
From Hong Kong with Love: Eileen Chang and Ann Hui, Hsiu-chuang Deppman
From Word to Image: Transmedial Adaptation in Hou Hsiao-hsien's Films, Tze-lan D. Sang
Retelling HIStory through Her Story: Multivocality in the Adaptation of My Memories of Old Beijing (1982) and Yellow Earth (1984) , Xiaoquan Zhang
Screening the Dutch Formosa: Wu Ziniu's The Sino-Dutch War 1661, Alexander C. Y. Huang

Session 551: China circa 2000 BC: New Archaeological Investigations
Exploring the earliest state of China: new archaeological evidence from Taosi , Nu He
Linking the Rivers, Hills and the Seas – Interregional contacts and changes in late Neolithic southern China (2500 – 1500 B.C.), Yi Chen
Making the Most of Hongshan Period Archaeological Research: Past, Present, and Future Directions, Christian Peterson
New archaeological investigations of the early Bronze Age of southeast China, Chunming Wu
Social changes in the late Neolithic Yangtze Delta: the fall of Liangzhu and the rise of Guangfulin, Tianlong Jiao
The Late Neolithic Middle Yangzi: Temporalities and Interactions at Shijiahe, Sascha Priewe
Toward a new understanding of the formation of Chinese civilizations, Wei Wang

Session 552: The Politics of City Planning in Early Twentieth Century China
Exhibiting East Asian Modern in Xinjing under the Japanese Colonial Rule, Yishi Liu
Mapping Out Modern Legal Culture of the Republican Beijing , Michael Ng
Planning a New City Order: Land-use Zoning Experiments in Hankou, 1927-1937 (Co-authored with Dr Li Ze), Tianjie Dr Zhang
Planning a New City Order: Land-use Zoning Experiments in Hankou, 1927-1937 (Co-authored with Dr Zhang Tianjie), Ze Dr Li
Regulating the Capital for Public Interest: Property Politics in the Reconstruction of Nanjing, 1927 - 1949, C.M. Carmen Tsui

Session 553: Roundtable: The State of the Field: Ming Studies in Asia and Europe - Sponsored by Society for Ming Studies

Session 554: From the "Small-Self" to the "Big-Self": Religion and Giving in Chinese Societies
Business as Mission: Overseas Chinese Christian Entrepreneurs in China , Kooi Chin Joy Tong
Charitable Religious Organizations in China, Singapore and Malaysia: Chinese Popular Religion, the State and Charity in Chinese Societies, Chee-Beng Tan
Facilitators and Providers: Religion and Social Capital among the Chinese in Malacca, Malaysia, C. Julia Huang
Sacred State, Secular Religions: Charitable Religious Organizations in China, Keping Wu
The Advantages of Weak Social Ties: On Social Capital and Philanthropy in China, Robert P. Weller

Session 555: China and the Capitalist Peace
Does China's Economic Growth Model Alleviate or Exacerbate Conflict in Tibet and Xinjiang?, Liselotte Odgaard
Peace by Setting the Economy First: Priority Shifts in East Asia, 1945-2010, Stein D Tonnesson
Relative Peace in the Taiwan Strait: Economic Development, Trade and Security Considerations, Rex Li
The Capitalist Peace and the Taiwan Issue: Exploring the Importance of Economic Integration and Interdependence , Mikael Weissmann

Session 556: Individual Papers: Dynastic Chinese Literature I
Li Bai, Du Fu, and Tang Cosmopolitanism , Xin Wei
To Release the Pain in Phantom LimbsReading Shen Jiji’s “The Tale of Lady Ren” , Jing Wang
Suppressed Voices of Women Poets in Early Medieval China , Qiulei QH Hu
Overheard in Chang'an: Writing and Reputation in Yuan Zhen's "Yingying's story" , Jeffrey Rice
Knots in the tree of wen: on indeterminacy in Liu Xie’s Wenxin diaolong , Dinu Luca
Across the Disciplinary Boundaries: Wang Duan as a Poet-Historian , Sharon S. J. Hou

Session 574: Marriage and Marriage Markets in Contemporary China
China's Marriage Market and Upcoming Challenges for Elderly Men , Avraham Ebenstein
China’s Changing Rural Marriage Market, Loren Brandt
Marital Status and Social Integration: A Comparison of Involuntary Bachelors and Married Men in Rural China , Shuzhuo Li
The Spatial Ecology of Mating and Marriage in a Chinese County, William Lavely

Session 575: Tales from the Crypt: Medieval Chinese Muzhiming in Five Perspectives
Entombed Epigraphy in Early Medieval Commemorative Culture and the Rise of Muzhiming as a Literary Genre, Timothy Davis
How to Read the Genre of Muzhiming in the Mid-Tang, Alexei Ditter
Image, Word, and Ritual: Comparative Perspectives on Portrait Eulogies and Tomb Inscriptions in Medieval Dunhuang, Huaiyu Chen
The Art of the Epitaph, Chao-Hui Jenny Liu
The Will of the Oracle:The Practice and Significance of Burial Divinations as Reflected in Muzhiming, Jessey J.C. Choo

Session 576: Rural Chinese Governance
China’s Macro-economic Fluctuations and the Rural “Governance Crisis” , Tiejun Wen
Illicit Redistributions of Agricultural Land through Community Consensus , Jonathan Unger
The Abolition of Agricultural Taxes and Its Impact on Political Trust in China, Lianjiang Li
Villages’ Reconstruction: Between Targets, Standards, and Grass-Roots Investments , Lior Rosenberg

Session 577: Market Towns and Market Town Elites in Late Imperial China
“Of Boats and Men”: Economic Activity and Urban Life in Market Towns along the Northern Reaches of the Grand Canal in 18th-century China, Luca Gabbiani
“We Want to Be Recorded”: Market Town Elites and Market Town Literature in Nineteenth-Century Jiangnan, Seunghyun Han
Market Town Elites and the Cultural Construction of Market Town Gardens in Late Imperial Jiangnan, Jen-shu Wu
The Upland Reach of a Delta Town: Jiujiang and the West River Basin, 1570-1870, Steven B. Miles

Session 578: Science and Religion in China - Sponsored by the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions
Celestial Surgery, Butter Baths, and Shiva’s Magic Medicine: Translating Buddhist Medical Practices in Medieval China, C. Pierce Salguero
Religion as Technology in the Tang Dynasty Cult of Marici, Geoffrey Goble
Semiotics and Sacrality in Early Imperial and Medieval Chinese Pyro-plastromancy, Stephan N. Kory
Starving the Tapeworm: Religioentomology in Daoism and other Sinitic Religions, Paul Jackson
The Chinese Buddhist Discourses of Silk Production, Stuart Young

Session 579: Individual Papers: Philosophy
Standing in the Bellows: The Place of Caves in the Daoshi’s Religious Consciousness , Ronnie Littlejohn
Ancient Chinese Philosophers on Laziness. Action or Non-Action? , Anna Ghiglione
Theorizing the Culturally Unprecedented: Cultural Difference as Historical DiscontinuityAafter May Fourth , Leigh K Jenco
Confucianism as a Living Tradition in 21st-Century China , Yong YC Chen
In Conflicts with Enlightenment Rationality: An Analysis of Early Chinese Marxism (1917-1927) , Chan-liang Wu

Session 580: Individual Papers: Dynastic Chinese Literature II
Restructuring Cultural Memory in the Tang yulin (Forest of Anecdotes on the Tang): A Chinese Literati Reader’s Response to the Anecdotal Representations of the Past., Ying Qin
The Conversation Between Zhuangzi and Cao xueqin;: The Influence of Zhuangzi’s “Zhi Le ” on The Dream of the Red Chamber , Jiao LIU
Mirror, Dream, and Shadow in Gu Taiqing’s writings , Changqin Geng
Reading with Class , S-C Kevin Tsai
Language, Performance, and Gender in Mid-Qing Beijing: A Study of the Bannermen Tale "Eating Crabs" (Pangxie duan'er) , Suet Y Chiu

Sunday April 3, Panels 8:00am – 4:45pm (581–765)

Session 618: The Rise and Global Impact of the Chinese Academy: Does the Education Blueprint Matter?
A Case Study of Shantou University: Towards a Value Model in Higher Education Reform , Yuen-Ying Chan
China's Massification of Higher Education: A Comparative Perspective, Qiang Zha
China’s Universities in a Globalizing World: The Changing Academic Profession and Transnational Partnerships , Gerard Postiglione
Critical Thinking and Learning in the Era of New Media Technology: How Does Internet Proliferation Affect College Students in China?, Shiru Wang
Reforming the College Entrance Examination: Epicenter of Tension and Resistance, Heidi Ross
Reforming the College Entrance Examination: Epicenter of Tension and Resistance, Yimin Wang

Session 619: Learning and Maintaining Advanced Level Linguistic and Cultural Competences in Chinese - Sponsored by CLTA
Advanced Reading and Writing Curriculum Development Using Text Typology and ILR Skill Levels , Haidan Wang
ASU’s Chinese Language Flagship: Innovation and Collaboration, Madeline K. Spring
Content in Advanced Core Courses: Addressing Demonstrated Student Needs, Song Jiang
Rural Education in China: Opportunities for Onsite Advanced Language and Culture Training, Hong Gang Jin

Session 620: Chinese Prose Today - The Discursive Power of Sanwen
"Painfully Honest: Confessional Rhetoric in Zhu Ziqing’s Essays", Charles A. Laughlin
"Questions of Genre and Aesthetics: Modern Lyrical Fiction’s Kinship with Sanwen", Shannon M. Cannella
"Towards a Poetics of Contemporary Chinese Ecological Prose Nonfiction" , Thomas Moran
“The Biographical Essay and Communities of Affect: The Vocabulary of the Empathic Civilization” , Jesse Field

Session 621: From Three Sovereigns to Medicine King and Sage: Temples, Physicians and Clerics in Late Imperial and Republican China
Becoming Gods: the Cult of Physicians in Sanhuang miao and Yaowang miao , Yuan-ling CHAO
Physicians, Clerics, and Devotees at the Medical Sage Shrine in Nanyang, 1540s-1950s , Xun LIU
The Medicine King Temples in Late Imperial and Republican Beijing, Ling FANG

Session 622: Political Satire and Political Imagination in Contemporary Chinese Media: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Both Familiar and Foreign: Hong Kong Identity and Sociopolitical Change In Comics and Blogs, Lisa Fischler
High Tech Satire as Political Imaginary: Representations of Gender, Political, and Social Issues on the Chinese Internet , Ping Le
High Tech Satire as Political Imaginary: Representations of Gender, Political, and Social Issues on the Chinese Internet, Sharon Wesoky
Imagined future in Chinese novels at the turn of the 21st century: Studies of Yellow Peril, The Last Struggle in Zhongnanhai and A Flourishing Age: China, 2013 , Guo Wu
New Faces of Revolution: Political Imagination in Contemporary TV Drama, Hongwei Lu
Political Jokes in Hong Kong: Wong Chi Wah’s Standup Comedy of the 1990s., King-fai Tam

Session 623: Revisiting Alexander Soper
Alexander Soper and Chinese Painting Theory, Kathleen M Ryor
Alexander Soper and Chinese Pictorial Representation, Nixi Cura
Alexander Soper and the Study of Chinese Buddhist Sculpture , Lukas Nickel
Strange Visions: Translating Soper as a Source of Medieval Chinese Visuality, Winston Kyan

Session 624: Fiscal Modernity: a critical review of China’s fiscal regimes from 16th to 21st centuries
Developmental Pattern, Processing Fee, and Fiscal Modernity in China: A Focus on Guangdong 1979-2010, Jieh-min Wu
Fiscal Cycles and the Low-Equilibrium Trap under the Qing, Huaiyin Li
From Single-Whip to Tax-for-Fee reforms, Siyen Fei
Information and Discipline: Qing Central Efforts to Monitor Local Tax Collection, c. 1730-1840, Wenkai He

Session 625: The social and textual studies of Chinese Buddhism (from the early-Tang to the Ming dynasty)
Eminent monks and related women Buddhist’s social activities in Song Dynasty, Jingjing (Jacqueline) Zhu
Monastic Operations in Wheeling Sutra Repository and the Effects on Management Culture during the South Song Dynasty: A Research based on Japan’s Gozan Jissatsu Zu, Zhongyao Wang
The Four Editions of Chinese Buddhist Canons ---- From Southern Song Dynasty to Ming Dynasty , Darui Long
The social influence on the use of the term “Hinayana” in the history of Chinese Buddhism, Feng Qian

Session 626: Social Experiments in China: Creating Policy Lessons in Nutrition, Health, Education and Governance
Does the knowledge of women about their rights to vote affect their propensity to vote in village elections? Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Fujian China, Xiaopeng Pang
Incentivized Remedial Education in China’s Migrant Schools: Self Motivation, Peers, and Parents, Tao Li
Nutrition and Educational Performance in Rural China’s Elementary Schools: Results of a Randomized Control Trial in Shaanxi Province, Scott Rozelle

Session 661: The Everyday Life of the Economic: Formations of Life and Knowledge in China, 1900-1949
Economics and Philosophy in 1930s China, Rebecca E Karl
Economics, Individual Freedom, and National Sovereignty, Bryna Goodman
The Economic Value of China's Rural Population, Malcolm D Thompson

Session 662: Western Musical Instruments in China and Cultural Tibet
Amdo Mando: Stories of the Mandolin in the Amdo Region of Cultural Tibet, John Flower
Made in China: Domestication of the Accordion in the Maoist Era, Yin Yee Kwan
The Guitar in China, James A Millward

Session 663: Hong Kong as Heterotopia
A Fast-Fading Queer Heterotopia: A Oral History Project on Hong Kong Gay Male Elders, Travis Kong
Edison Chen: Morality, Materiality, and Heterotopia, Jeroen De Kloet
Made In Hong Kong SAR: New Angles, Other Spaces, Helen Hok-Sze Leung
Modelling a New Heterotopia, Yiu Fai Chow

Session 664: Language Maintenance and Documentation of Non-Mandarin Chineses: A Survey of Chineses Across International Contexts
From Global to Local: Building up Broad-support for Heritage Language Maintenance – A Case Study of a Thong Boi speaker in the U.S., Erenst Anip
Learning About Your Culture and Language Online: Shifting Language Ideologies of Hoisan-wa on the Internet (“I Especially Liked How You Used the Thl- Sound.”), Genevieve Leung
Minority Language Education in Taiwan: A Look at Hakka Parents' Attitudes Towards Language Maintenance, Ming-Hsuan Wu

Session 665: Re-Writing a History of Chinese Philosophy as Creative and World-Oriented
Aspects of a Relevant Philosophy of History in the Post-Secular Context of the PRC , Lauren F. Pfister
On Re-Writing a History of Chinese Philosophy as Creative and World-Oriented, Chung-ying Cheng

Session 666: Local Autonmy and Social Policy in Greater China
After the Handover: Social Development Challenges and Social Policy in Hong Kong and Macau , Joshua Ka Ho Mok
Labor Policy and Minimum Wage for Workers in Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai, Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo
Migrants’ Rights to Welfare Entitlement: A Case Study of Medical and Pension Insurance for Migrants in Hangzhou, China , Maggie Lau

Session 667: Sagehood and Self-Cultivation: The Diverse Approaches Taken by Late Imperial Confucians (M. Theresa Kelleher, Manhattanville College) A Panel in Memory of Dr. Mizoguchi Yuzo
The Heart/Mind (Hsin) as a Mirror: Wang Yang-ming’s Reflections on Internal Self-cultivation, Wan-hsian Chi
"It’s a Rocky Road to Sagehood but Confucius and Zhu Xi are There to Guide Me”: Wu Yubi’s Use of a Diary to Navigate His Way. , Theresa Kelleher
Daoxue Appropriation of Elite Doctors from the Late Jin to Yuan , Reiko Shinno
From Li Zhi(1527-1602) to Tang Zhen (1630-1704): Does Self-Cultivation Secure Statecraft? , Masaya Mabuchi
Talk of Children: Self Cultivation in Late-Ming China, Pauline Lee

Session 668: Visual Theatricalization of Death in Middle-Period China
“True Image” Idols and Tomb Chamber Shape: The Transformation of Funerary Rites in Middle-Period China, Qingquan Li
Materiality and Performance of Daoist Salvation Ritual in Song China, Shih-shan Susan Huang
Reenacting Buddha’s Death and Creating a Relic Depository at the Qingshan Monastery in 741 A.D., China, Sun-ah Choi
Staging Death: Actors and Their Theater Carved on a Thirteenth-century Sarcophagus in Ruicheng, Shanxi, Jeehee Hong

Session 669: Texts and Tombs in Early China
Funerary Texts, Enno Giele
Texts, Performance, and Display in the Funeral Procession of Marquis Yi of Zeng, Luke Habberstad
The "Tomb Inventory" from Mawangdui Tomb No. 3, Claire Yang
The Power of Format: Communicative Documents to the Underworld from Han China, Jue Guo

Session 670: New Sources and Research on Overseas Chinese Hometowns (Qiaoxiang) in Guangdong: Late 19th to Mid-20th Centuries
Local Education in the Hometowns of Overseas Chinese in North America during the Republican Period (1911-1949): Kaiping County as a Case Study , Jinhua Tan
Remittances Network and Social Mobility in the Hometowns of Overseas Chinese in North America—A Case Study of Kaiping and Taishan in the Late Qing and Republican Period , Jin Liu
Remittances, Watchtowers, and Gender : Reconstruction of Post WWII Overseas Chinese Hometowns in the Siyi Counties, Jinping Shi
Understanding Chinese America as a Transnational Community Through Chinese Immigrant Letters, Haiming Liu

Session 671: Individual Papers: Dynastic Histories II
Ordering the World - Shao Yong and the Idea of History , Martin Doesch
Chinese Translation of Logic in Minglitan , JUNGSAM YUM
The Roles of Inborn Nature in Xunzi’s Moral Philosophy , CHAEHYUN CHONG
Fortuitous Metonymy: Takahashi Tomio's Historical Vision and Japanese National History , Nathan Hopson
The Zhuangzi on Life and Death: Constructing Meaning out of the Text , Dusan Vavra
The Barbarian “Other” in Han Chinese and Imperial Roman Art:A Cross-Cultural Comparison , Ingrid Furniss

Session 704: Chinese Modern Art in the Space of “Border-Crossing”
Avant-garde across Country Borders: The Chinese Independent Art Society and its Modern Art Activities, Tao Cai
From Current Events Pictorial (Shishi Huabao) to the True Record (Zheng Xiang), Ruilin Chen
The Café, a "Contact Zone," Paris to Shanghai. , Xiaoqing Zhu
The Paramount Ballroom in the 1930s, a Transformational Space towards the “Modern.” , Xi Cecilia Zhang
Two Exhibitions of Modern Chinese Painting in the 1930s, Fang-cheng Wu

Session 705: The Biology and Economics of Social Reproduction: Health, Wealth and Happiness in the Modern Chinese Family
A Realm where the Woman’s Voice is Heard: A Case Study of Abortion Ritual in Modern Taiwan, Grace Cheng-Ying Lin
Age and Authority in China’s New Kindergartens, 1903 to 1912, Margaret M Tillman
The Nation in Utero: Translating the Science of Fetal Education in Republican China, Nicole C Richardson
The Undeniable Allure of the New Style Wedding: Ritual, Consumption and the State in 1930s Shanghai, Charlotte L Cowden

Session 706: The Socialist Production of Space: Cities, Farms, Forests, and People in Post-1949 Chinese Literature and Film
Despoil the Earth: Reconfiguring Political ECOnomy of Kaihuang Zhongdi/ Reclamation in Socialist China, Jiayan Mi
Dragon Beard Ditch, Ideological Hygiene, and the Production of Socialist Space , Weijie Song
Housing the Working Class: Spatial Reconfigurations of Everyday Life in Shanghai in Early PRC Literature and Film, Xiaojue Wang
Reframing the Ethnic Space, the Trick of Isomorphism: Producing a Socialist Universalism in Early Socialist China, Haomin Gong

Session 707: Negotiating Chineseness: Complexities of Coming in, Going out, and Returning
History, Memory, and Identity: Contending Visions and Distorted Memories of Yue Fei in 20th Century Taiwan, Weiting Guo
Migrating from a “Stateless” Nation: National Identity and Personal History of the Taiwanese Canadians, 1961-1986, Karl Wu
Rennie’s Mill: A “Pro-KMT” Enclave in Hong Kong, 1950s-1970s, Dominic Meng-Hsuan DMH YANG Yang
Taiwan’s Search for National Identity, Keating F. Jerome

Session 708: Roundtable: The Political Psychology of U.S.-China Relations

Session 709: China on Display
"Electric Shadows' on Center Stage': Chinese-language Filmmakers as Nostalgic Curators, Allison Groppe
China Auto Expos: Display, Array and Narrative "Replay", Beth Notar
Eighteenth-Century Europe and the Chinese Object as Artifact, Dawn Odell
Green is the New Red: Exhibiting Sustainability in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Jennifer Hubbert
Paint it Black: The City and Ink Painting at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Lisa Claypool

Session 710: The Development of Local China in Comparison
Comparing Local Models of Agrarian Transition in China, Forrest Q Zhang
Diverse Pathways of Sustainable Local Governance Reforms in China: Comparing the Cases of Wenling and Yiwu in Zhejiang Province, Philip S. Hsu
The Administrative Origins of Urbanization: Comparing Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Tao-chiu Lam
The Chinese Model and the Developmental State in Transition: Comparing the Yangtze River Delta Region and Taiwan , Tse-Kang Leng
The Modernization of Agriculture in India and China and their Effects on Rural Life, John A. Donaldson

Session 711: 1898-1948: Fifty Years that Changed Chinese Religions -- Mutations and Adaptations of Communal Religious Structures - Sponsored by the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions
Deep Play: Dragon Boats and Wenzhou Local Politics (1890-1930), Shih-chieh Lo
The Fate of the Daoist Bureaucracy in Jiangnan during the Republican Period, Vincent Goossaert
Thriving under an Anti-superstition Regime: The Cult of Dragon Mother in Yuecheng, Guangdong during the 1930s, Shuk-wah Poon
Writing a Place for Rites -- Visions of “Old Customs” in Wenzhou during the Great Leap Forward, Paul Katz

Session 712: South-South dynamics and changing geographies of International Political Economy: comparative analysis of China’s engagement in developing regions.
A Report of China's Outward FDI 2010: in Sub-Sahara Africa and Latin America, Wang Duanyong
China’s engagement patterns in resources sectors in Africa and South America: a comparative study of Angola and Brazil, Ana Alves
Learning wisdom from failure: China’s trials in their overseas oil investments, Susana Moreira
The economic and socio-political impact of China’s trade and investment activity in developing countries: A comparison , Alexandra Wang
Triple-S development cooperation: towards a win-win-win situation for emerging and developing countries?, Sanne van der Lugt

Session 713: Local Knowledge and Central Power in the Making of Chinese Inner Asia
Awkward Angles: Multi-Frontier Coordination in Mid-Qing Foreign Relations, Matthew Mosca
Contested legitimacy – Dialogue, power, and the successor(s) of the 5th Dalai Lama, Andreas Siegl
Governing the Uyghur huaqiao: Kashgari Aqsaqals in Russian Turkistan, David Brophy
Promoting Power: the Rise of Emin Khoja on the Eve of the Qing Conquest of Kashgaria, Takahiro Onuma

Session 714: Individual Papers: Dynastic Art
Qian Xuan in the Turning Point of Painting History between Song and Yuan Dynasties , Shengguang Tan
Buried in Gold: A Study of Gold Headgear in Third to Fifth Century Tombs in China , Sarah SL Laursen
Grottoes, Exorcism, and the Northern Dipper: Representing the Daoist Master Zhang Daoling in Ming and Qing China , Noelle Giuffrida
Personal Art Made Public-- Studying A Portrait of Purple Bamboo Guanyin Bodhisattva , MIAO-LIN HSU
The Sound of the Dao: Qin Music, Inner Alchemy, and Immortality , Mingmei Yip
Song (960-1279) Architecture and Decorative Motifs: Popular Aesthetic Concepts and Social Implications , Jiren Feng

Session 715: Individual Papers: Chinese Histories I
Revisiting Ideology: Debates on the Meaning of Sun Yatsen's Three People's Principles Following His Death in 1925 , John K Olenik
Reimagining State Power: A Centralized Government with Limited Involvement in Society in Ma Duanlin’s (1254-ca.1330) Fejian/Junxian Discussion, Tsong-han Lee
Insutitutional Dyamics in Chinese Dynastic Regime : 4-14th Centuries , Atsushi Aoki
Pausing at Stone Gate Pass: Exploring Traces of Imperial Expansion and Local Resistance Along a Spur of the Southwestern Silk Road , James A Anderson
The Origins of the Post Designation System in Qing Field Administration , Michael H. Chiang

Session 716: Individual Papers: Gendering China & Beyond
“Honglou meng’s” Treatment of Patriarchal Prescriptions of Female Gender Roles , KatieMarie Y Evans Richard
Gendering the Other: Ethnicity and Sexuality in Yesou Puyan , Huili Zheng
Gender, (De)constructed! - the gender dynamics of two Hong Kong villages in the post-colonial era , Isabella F.S Ng
“Women and the State Ideology: Modernization and Perverted Characters in Chinese Television” , Wing Shan Ho
An Emergent Protesting Subject: Yangji Lee's "Kazukime" , Nobuko Yamasaki
Love and Revolution in Manchuria:The Korean Female Communist in Xiao Jun's novel Village in August , Hyun-jeong Lee

Session 717: Individual Papers: Social Activism and the State of China
unknown, Tiantian Zheng
Why does farmland transaction trigger intensive conflicts in rural China?——An analysis on farmland ownership system, grassroots political institutions, and civic engagement , YIDA ZHAI
The Rise of Social Entrepreneurship in China (and the end of history for Chinese activism?), Timothy Hildebrandt
HIV/AIDS and Human Rights in China , Sara LM Davis
Transparent authoritarianism? Suing for government disclosure in China, Gregory Distelhorst
From “Socializing” to “Regulating”: A Study of Welfare NGOs in Guangzhou, China, Na Li

Session 754: Literati’s Perceptions of the State in Ming China: Changes and Continuities
Environmental Governance and the Public Good in Xu Guangqi’s Treatise on Expelling Locusts, Tim Sedo
Financial Rationalization and Public Good: Changing Statecraft in Mid-Ming Water Management , Cho-ying Li
Li Mengyang’s (1473-1529) Political Archaism and Perceptions of State-Society Relations in Ming China, Chang Woei Ong
The Reconquista onto the South?: The Controversy Concerning the Conquest of Annam in Jiajing Era, Mid- Ming, Takeshi Yamazaki

Session 755: Chinese Commercial Law Reforms in Practice
Back to the Past? Assessing China’s Commercial Law Reform from an Historical Perspective, Jiangyu Wang
Do PRC Courts Provide an 'Adequate Forum' for Commercial Disputes?, Randall Peerenboom
Judging Company Law in China: Perspectives on the Resolution of Chinese Corporate Disputes in and out of Court, Colin S Hawes

Session 756: (En)Gendering Politics in Taiwan: Diversity and Dynamics Throughout History
Factors Promoting Women’s Participation in Taiwan’s Politics, Janet Clark
Gendering of Academic in Taiwan: From Women's Studies to Gender Studies, 1985-2005, Bih-er Chou
Political Gridlock as the Result of an Institutional Imbroglio in Taiwan, Alexander C. Tan
The Taiwanese Feminist Communist, Xie Xuehong: Chen Fang-ming’s Inspiration of Li Ang’s Biographical Fiction, Ya-Chen Chen
Why Is the Western Environmental Voluntary Approach Not Applicable in Enterprise-Led Taiwan?, Tsuey-ping Lee

Session 757: Roundtable: What Happens in (and to) Shi Poetry After the Song?

Session 758: Politics After the Emperors: Reexamining Democratic Politics in the Late Qing-Early Republican China
Chinese Elections and the Discourse of “Campaigning for Office,” 1909-1913, Joshua Hill
County Government in the Imperial-Republican Transition: the Case of Guangdong, John Fitzgerald
Democratic Political Culture and Its Practice in the Sichuan Railway Protection Movement, Xiaowei Zheng

Session 759: Planning and Power: Shaping China’s Urbanizing Localities
In Situ Urbanization and Planning for Urban-Rural Integration, Daniel B. Abramson
In Situ Urbanization and Planning for Urban-Rural Integration, Yu Zhu
Planning, Territory, and Social Contestation in Urbanizing Villages, Nick R. Smith
The Politics of Spatial Stagnation in Harbin, 1978-Present, Meg E. Rithmire
Urbanization of the State, You-tien Hsing

Session 760: Localizing Knowledge in a Global Age
“We Must Know of Them”: Christian Missionaries’ Efforts to Know and Convert Chinese Muslims, 1910-1950, Joshua Sooter
Clausewitz and the Geopolitics of the Chinese Empire, 1911-1949, Shellen Xiao Wu
German Missionaries, Chinese Christians, and Shifting Conceptions of the Sacred in Shandong, 1890-1940, Albert Wu
River Conservancy and State-Building in Treaty Port China , Shirley Ye

Session 761: Cyber Communities and Their Challenges for China and Beyond
“Global Guanxi”: Profitable Networking Within Online Business Communities in the PRC, Simona Thomas
New Means of Interaction Between the Public and the Government: A Study of Chinese Politician Blogging, Jinqiu Zhao
SkyKiwi, Cyber Chinatown or Diasporic Patriotic Outpost?, Manying Ip
The Scripting of Taiwan’s Ethnicities, Jens Damm

Session 762: From All Sides: The Changing Patterns of Chinese Governance
Governance in China: How to Govern to Do Good, Anja Lahtinen
The Arbitration Court for European Emigrants: Self-Governance and the Politics of Identity in the German Jewish Refugee Community of Republican Shanghai, Jin Gong
The Changing ‘Fabric’ of Economic Order: Industrial Governance in China and Other Late Developers, Mark Dallas
The Role of Public Opinion in Governance in China and Kenya, Jennifer Brass
The Role of Public Opinion in Governance in China and Kenya, Jonathan Hassid
To Rectify the People’s Hearts: Soft Power During the Qianlong Period, Lawrence Chang

Session 763: Individual Papers: Higher Education II
Enhancing the Quality of HVE in China: Recent Reforms and New Initiatives , Weiwei Yu
Preferential Policies in China: Discourses of Development and Neutrality in College Preparatory Classes , Naomi C.F. Yamada
The Changing Scope of Knowledge in the Language and Literature Portion of the Annual Chinese College Entrance Examination Since 1980s , Teresa Chi-Ching Sun
Enhancing the quality of HVE in China: recent reforms and new initiatives , huijun gao

China Film Screenings

March 31 8:00am
China, the Empire of Art?

March 31 10:20am
The Fall of Womenland    

March 31 11:10am
Broken Pots, Broken Dreams    

March 31 12:00pm

March 31 3:25pm
Bored in Heaven    

March 31 7:00pm
Last Train Home    

April 1 10:05am
Tongzhi in Love
April 1 10:40am
From Jean-Paul Sartre to Teresa Teng: Contemporary Cantonese Art in the 1980s

April 1 3:00pm
Coup d'Etat 1955 (Taiwan)    
April 1 4:30pm
Cold Mountain: Han Shan    

April 2 9:00am
Please Vote for Me    

April 2 1:15pm
Lessons of the Loess Plateau    

April 2 2:10pm
Though I Am Gone