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Event Details
May 21, 2012

University of Southern California
Davidson Conference Center
Los Angeles, CA 90089
United States

Conference - Los Angeles, CA

10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference: Social Media, Digital Entertainment, Governance & Social Movements


Click here to see the conference program and presentations.

Ten years ago, when China’s Internet population totaled 22.5 million and Facebook and Twitter had not even been conceived, a group of researchers came together to organize a conference to study the Internet in China. By all indications even then, it was clear that China would have a major impact on the global digital economy. Ten years on, that foresight has been vindicated.
China today has the largest Internet population of any country and it has made its presence felt in the Internet space. In all aspects of the Internet – online gaming, micro blogging, search engines, ecommerce, content regulation, Internet governance, international domain names – China is both changing and being changed by the Internet. The annual Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) investigates these phenomena, asking probing questions into what, how, to what extent, and why these changes are taking and have taken place.

This interdisciplinary conference brings together scholars, analysts, industry leaders, journalists and legal practitioners from around the world to examine the impact of the Internet on Chinese societies, its social, cultural, political and economic aspects, as well as how China is changing the Internet.
Hosted by the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism and the USC U.S.-China Institute, the 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference – CIRC10 – will be held on May 21-22, 2012, in Los Angeles, the world's entertainment capital. CIRC10 will examine trends and themes as we explore the ways in which the Internet and other technologies interact with Chinese cultural and social life.
Conference cooperating institutions include:
The Intellectual Property Law Center at Drake University Law School; Institute for Pacific Asia at Texas A&M University; School of Journalism and Communication at Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University; Singapore Internet Research Center (SiRC) at Nanyang Technological University.
Past Chinese Internet Research Conferences were held at:
Georgetown University (CIRC9), Peking University (CIRC8), the University of Pennsylvania (CIRC7), the University of Hong Kong (CIRC6), Texas A&M University (CIRC5), Nanyang Technological University (CIRC4), Michigan State University (CIRC3), University of California at Berkeley (CIRC2), and the University of Southern California (CIRC1).
The Convener of CIRC10:

USC Annenberg School was founded in 1971 with generous support from Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg. Its strategic location in Los Angeles at USC enables it to foster dynamic synergies and multidisciplinary approaches to the study of communication and journalism through unparalleled access to the nation's and the world's entertainment, media and technology industries. Today, with more than 83 full-time faculty members and 120 adjunct professors, more than 2,200 undergraduate and graduate students, and dozens of research and public interest projects and programs, USC Annenberg has become a center for discussion among scholars and professionals in journalism, communication, public policy, media, and education.
Multidisciplinary and international in scope, focused and practical in application, USC Annenberg scholars, both students and faculty, are defining these fields for the 21st century and beyond. USC Annenberg School is proud to host CIRC10, marking the tenth anniversary from when the conference series first started at USC Annenberg.

Now part of the USC Annenberg School, the USC U.S.-China Institute was launched by USC President (then Provost) C.L. Max Nikias to focus on the multidimensional U.S.-China relationship and key trends in contemporary China. The institute informs public discussion on the relationship through path-breaking research, innovative instructional programs, and compelling public programs, documentaries, and publications. 

第十届中国互联网研究大会将集结各领域优秀专家学者,围绕“社交媒体,电子娱乐,网络管理和社会活动”主题展开讨论。该年度论坛可谓史无前例,它为 世界级的专家学者提供了一个研究和讨论中国网络、手机和相关新媒体技术的平台,同时也探究它们的发展与运用对于华人社会的影响。 与会学者拥有不用的学术背景,包括新闻与传播学、政治科学、法学、社会学、 心理学和教育学等,致力于不同领域研究,包括互联网的法律与政策、互联网使用者习惯、在线参与、游戏和网络公民社会等。该大会已经在鼓励中国互联网和手机 的革新、帮助和推进学者间的交流合作以及促进研究成果发表方面做出了卓越的贡献。

 “中国互联网研究大会成立与 2003 年 5 月,一直致力于研究中国与互联网之间的相互关系。我们的目的不仅在于研究互联网如果改变了中国,更在于研究中国 如果影响互联网。在过去的十年,该年会已经吸引了大批的学者、媒体人士、业界精英以及政策分析员参加。他们一起开辟了从社交媒体到政府政策再到公民的参与 度等多个领域的话题。我们非常激动的看到中国互联网研究大会这个 群体的快速成长和成熟,我们也迫不及待的想看到第十届中国互联网研究大会在它的出生地南加州大学安娜堡传播学院召开,相信这将是一次具有里程碑意 义的大会。”
