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East Asia and New Media in My Classroom (2007-2008) - Long Beach USD

August 24, 2007

Long Beach-area Seminar

POSTPONED --- This seminar is being rescheduled for Spring 2008.


(November, 2007 - February, 2008)

The USC U.S. – China Institute is offering a 36 hour seminar for Long Beach-area teachers. Priority in enrollment will be given to world history and language arts teachers, though others may apply.

Focusing on helping teachers address the California history, social studies, and language arts standards, we will offer presentations on the history and culture of the region, as well as discuss how East Asian case studies can be used to explore a variety of issues.

Teachers who successfully complete the seminar and its follow-up requirements receive:

  • $500 stipend for each participant for satisfactory seminar participation and completion of requirements
  • $200 in East Asian reference and teaching materials for each participant
  • $300 school library grant (per participant) for acquisition of East Asia-focused materials
  • all graduates become eligible to apply for a subsidized NCTA trip to East Asia (tentatively set for summer 2008)
  • all graduates may purchase 6 USC Continuing Education Units for $150

Among the topics covered in the seminar:

• Geography/Early East Asia
• Web Research/Web Collaboration
• Chinese Philosophy
• Using Poetry
• Cosmopolitan East Asia
• Classical and Warrior Japan
• Japanese Literature
• Late Imperial China
• Korea
• The Meiji Restoration
• Women in East Asian History
• East Asia Since 1900

2007-2008 Schedule

Date Time
Tuesday, November 13 5-8pm
Saturday, December 1 9am-3:30pm
Tuesday, December 4 5-8pm
Saturday, January 12 9am-3:30pm
Saturday, January 26 9am-3:30pm
Tuesday, January 29 5-8pm
Tuesday, February 5 5-8pm
Tuesday, February 12 5-8pm

Millikan High School, Room 211
2800 Snowden Ave
Long Beach, CA 90815

How to Apply

The deadline to apply for our 2007-2008 session is Thursday, November 8, 2007

Enrollment is limited to 25 teachers.

Our application can be downloaded in three formats: 

Click here for Word

Click here for RTF

Click here for PDF

In addition to the application, you will need to submit:

A short résumé (curriculum vita) of 1-2 pages that provides contact information and lists your educational background and teaching experience.

A letter from your school principal confirming your teaching assignment.
A check for $50, made payable to "University of Southern California," to hold your registration slot. If you enroll and are participating in the seminar, your registration deposit will be returned to you halfway through the course.

For more information, please contact Linda Truong at or 213-740-0966.

If you have specific questions about LBUSD guidelines or the history/social science curriculum, please contact  Linda Mehlbrech, History/Social Science Curriculum Leader, at or (562) 997-8000 x2956.


This seminar is held in cooperation with the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) and is made possible with generous funding from the Freeman Foundation

