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Li, "Earthquake location problems in eastern Taiwan," 1995

Cheng-Ping Li, M.S.

Abstract (Summary)
The SMART 2 and HTN arrays of eastern Taiwan recorded 3-component digital data in 1991. Due to the synchronization problem, the conventional location method using the first P-arrival time can not be applied. Since the S-arrival can be picked considerable accuracy using digital 3-component data, we attempt to locate earthquakes by using Ts-Tp only.

We seek the best solution in the least squares sense through a non-linear optimization process. A location program is developed and tested based on S-P intervals and 3-D ray-tracing programs. Results showed that the accuracy of relocation strongly depends on the station distribution, model definition, and the accuracy of P- and S-picking. The hypocenters were consistently shifted from east to west, implying a lower velocity underneath the island of Taiwan. The particle motion is used to discriminate the contradicting relocation results from different data sets.

Advisor: Teng, Ta-Liang
