Andrei Marmor's Law and Interpretation has been translated into Chinese (法律与解释:法哲学论文集). The Chinese translation was published by Law Press (法律出版社) in 2006.
Professor Marmor is director of the USC Center for Law & Philosophy. He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy, an on-line peer-reviewed journal in moral, political and legal philosophy.
A prolific author on issues concerning the relations between law morality and politics, Professor Marmor has written Interpretation and Legal Theory (Oxford University Press, 1992; Hart Publishing, 2005); Positive Law & Objective Values (Oxford University Press 2001); Law in the Age of Pluralism (Oxford University Press, 2007); Social Conventions (Princeton University Press, 2009), Philosophy of Law (Princeton, 2011); and numerous journal articles.
Professor Marmor earned his B.A. and M.A. in philosophy, as well as his LL.B., from Tel Aviv University and earned his DPhil from Oxford University. He was a professor at Tel Aviv University, Israel, and taught as a visiting professor at several universities before joining the USC Law and Philosophy faculties in 2002.
Works in progress
- Teoria Analytica del Derecho E Interpretacion Constitucional (Trans. S. Ortega & J. Fabra) (ARA Editores) (Peru) (forthcoming August 2011).
- Editor, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Law.(forthcoming May 2012).
- Philosophical Foundations of Language in the Law (editor, with S. Soames) (Oxford University Press, 2011).
- Philosophy of Law, Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy (S. Soames ed.), (Princeton, 20
- Social Conventions: From Language to Law, Princeton Monographs in Philosophy (H. Frankfurt ed.), (Princeton University Press, 2009).
- Law in the Age of Pluralism, (Oxford University Press, 2007).
- Interpretation and Legal Theory, 2d revised edition (Hart Publishing, 2005).
- Positive Law and Objective Values (Oxford University Press, 2001).
- Law and Interpretation: Essays in Legal Philosophy (editor) (Oxford University Press, 1995) (paperback edition, 1997). [Reprinted in 1998.]
Portugese translation by L.C. Borges: Direito e interpretação: ensaios de Filosofia do direito (Martin Fontes, 2000).
Chinese translation (Beijing Press, 2006). - Interpretation and Legal Theory (Oxford University Press, 1992) (paperback edition, 1994).
Spanish translation by M. M. Hurtado: Interpretación y teoría del derecho (Gedisa Editorial, 2001).