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Art and the New Culture City:Meiling Cheng

April 28, 2009

Cheng has taught in the USC School of Theatre since 1994.

Art and the New Culture City: Hong Kong, China and the Global Art System

April 28, 2009

Video presentations from the October 3, 2008 conference at the University of Southern California.

Art and the New Culture City: Matthew Turner

April 28, 2009

Turner is a professor of design in Napier University's School of Creative Industries.In 2005 he served as director of the Hong Kong Art School.

Art and the New Culture City: Karon Morono

April 28, 2009

Morono opened the Morono Kiang Gallery in the Bradbury Building in downtown Los Angeles in May 2007.

Art and the New Culture City: Jenny Lin

April 28, 2009

Lin is a doctoral student in art history at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Art and the New Culture City: Henry Tsang

April 28, 2009

Tsang has worked in installation, video, and photography. He has also curated exhibitions.

Art and the New Culture City: Choi Yan Chi "Hong Kong Art Outside the Limelight"

April 28, 2009

Choi is an artist, curator, and professor. She has been active in the Hong Kong arts community since the early 1980s.

USC and China in the News, March and April 2009

April 25, 2009

China-related news stories featuring University of Southern California faculty, students, staff, and programs.

2009-2010 USCI Graduate Summer Fieldwork Grants

April 17, 2009

Three projects funded for summer 2009 will explore intellectual property rights, historical depictions of U.S.-China relations, and farmland preservation.

SC | Sino Cinema

April 10, 2009

Chinese film students pair with USC counterparts -- University of Southern California and Communication University of China partnership yields short documentaries on the global city.
