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Documents - Contemporary China

President Clinton's statement on the release of Harry Wu, 1995

August 25, 1995

President Clinton issued a statement through his press secretary about China's release of Chinese American Harry Wu.

Family Planning in China, White Paper, 1995

August 1, 1995

Released by the Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, August 1995, Beijing.

President Clinton Press Conference on Human Rights in China, 1994

May 26, 1994

President Clinton spoke about dropping the link between MFN for China and human rights.

National People's Congress, 1993 Amendments to the PRC Constitution, March 29, 1993

March 29, 1993

Adopted at the First Session of the Eighth National People's Congress and promulgated for implementation by the Announcement of the National People’s Congress on March 29, 1993.

The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, 1990

April 4, 1990

The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, adopted on April 4,1990 by the Seventh National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China at its Third Session

Tiananmen Square Document 35: State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research, "China: Aftermath of the Crisis," 1989

July 27, 1989

This document, an intelligence research report, asks: "How did China get to this point?" (July 27, 1989)

Tiananmen Square Document 31: Cable, What Happened on the Night of June 3/4?, 1989

June 22, 1989

This document, as its authors state in the outset, "attempts to set the record straight" about the events of the night of June 3-4. (June 22, 1989)

Tiananmen Square Document 30: Cable, Eyewitness Account of June 4 PLA Tank Crushing 11 Students and Related Early Morning Events in Tiananmen Square, 1989

June 22, 1989

This extraordinary document provides the detailed account of a source who witnessed firsthand the violence at Tiananmen Square on the night of June 3-4. (June 22, 1989)

Tiananmen Square Document 29: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 21, 1989, China: Swift Justice, 1989

June 21, 1989

The document also anticipates a Communist Party Central Committee plenum that will ratify the removal of party secretary Zhao Ziyang, and name a new leader.
