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Places at the Table: Asian Women Artists and Gender Dynamics

This symposium explores issues facing Asian women artists today.

September 13, 2008 9:00am to 5:00pm

"Places at the Table: Asian Women Artists and Gender Dynamics," explores issues facing Asian women artists today. Speakers will seek to illuminate factors that foster and inhibit the creativity of Asian women artists from three perspectives: one, women whose art, implicitly or explicitly, serves an activist agenda; two, women who work within the framework of a traditional society and how they adapt to, challenge, or find their inspiration in its structures; and finally, the dynamics of participating in a global network of modern art as women artists.

Participants include Hung Liu, Honghee Kim, Margo Machida, Cheeyun Kwon, Midori Yoshimoto, Yong Soon Min, Zhang O, Youngna Kim, Mary-Ann Milford-Lutzker, Mayumi Oda, Inson Choy, Hyungmin Chung, Sandra Cate, Joan Kee, Patricia Graham, Junghee Lee, Pamela Blotner, and Charlotte Horlyck.

The symposium, a collaboration between UC Berkeley and Mills College, will include discussions with artists represented in the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive exhibition "Mahjong"; the Mills College Art Museum exhibition, "The Offering Table: Korean Women Activist Artists"; and the solo show "Goddesses" in the Institute of East Asian Studies Gallery.

The afternoon prior to the conference, the Center for Korean Studies will host a special colloquium on Korean women artists at the Institute of East Asian Studies.

Following the symposium, attendees are welcomed to join a reception at the Mills College Art Museum.

See website for more details.
