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The Lyrical in Epic Time: The Stories of Shen Congwen and Feng Zhi

The Yale council on East Asian Studies presents David Der-wei Wang - Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese Literature, Harvard University & Director of CCK Foundation Inter-University Center for Sinological Studies

September 18, 2014 4:00pm to 5:30pm

This annual lecture in honor of Dr. Edward H. Hume is made possible by the generosity of his family and many friends. Dr. Hume devoted much of his long and vigorous life to working in China and elsewhere in the cause of health care and medical training. He graduated from Yale College in 1897, and received his medical degree four years later from Johns Hopkins University. He worked in India from 1903 to 1905 before going to China, where he founded the Hsiang-ya Medical School and Hospital under the auspices of Yale-in-China in Changsha.