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Third Annual Columbia China Prospects Conference

The Third Annual Columbia China Prospects Conference, "Leadership in Transition - China for Further Reform" is a two-day program featuring 9 panel discussions, 50 speakers, 800 participants, a VIP dinner and career fair.

November 10, 2012 12:00am to November 11, 2012 12:00am

The Columbia University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CUCSSA) cordially invite you to the Third Annual Columbia China Prospects Conference “Leadership in Transition – China for Further Reform” opening at the Low Memorial Library at Columbia University on Saturday, November 10 and Sunday, November 11, 2012. We welcome you to engage in an educational discussion with high-caliber panelists across the industries and participants from a diverse background.

The theme of this year’s Conference is Leadership in Transition – China for Further Reform. The year of 2012 bears particular significance not only for China in and by itself, but also for the world and its relationship with China. The imminent economic soft landing in China, the lingering recession in the U.S, and the ongoing fiscal crises in Europe all pose serious challenges for continued international economic development and highlight the importance of strategic cooperation and genuine trust. This fall, we shall witness the leadership transition in the Communist Party in China and the presidential election in the United States. Together with the leadership change in many other powers including Russia, France and Taiwan, the international political landscape is undergoing reconfiguration that will bear on the peaceful rise that China earnestly seeks. Domestically in China, a new consensus seems to take shape that deepening reform is the only option to stimulate China’s continued development, yet the central question is how. The growing role of the media, the awakening of individual rights and the budding civil society all suggest that the reform would be multi-dimensional.

The Third Annual Columbia China Prospects Conference, "Leadership in Transition - China for Further Reform" is a two-day program featuring 9 panel discussions, 50 speakers, 800 participants, a VIP dinner and career fair.

Registration required. Click here to register.

CPCC (2 Days)- CU Students and Faculty: $38, Non-CU Students and Faculty: $45, Professionals: $88; VIP Dinner- $168
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(212) 854-2592