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Stories of Chinese Poetic Culture Conference

Inaugural Conference of the Forum on Chinese Poetic Culture
Stories of Chinese Poetic Culture: Earliest Times through the Tang presented by the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

October 19, 2012 9:00am to October 20, 2012 6:00pm

Inaugural Conference of the Forum on Chinese Poetic Culture - Stories of Chinese Poetic Culture: Earliest Times through the Tang

If anyone is interested, please follow this link to register:

For more information contact Jing Chen (<>) or Huang-lan Su (<>)

Friday October 19
9:00   Welcoming Remarks (Zong-qi Cai, University of Illinois)
       Panel 1   Poetry and Politics (Chair:  Kai-wing Chow, University of Illinois)
9:05   Wai-yee Li (Harvard University), “Poetry and Diplomacy in Zuozhuan”
       Discussant: Jianguo Cao (Wuhan University)
9:20   Yu-yu Cheng (National Taiwan University), Gregory Patterson(Columbia University), “The Discourse of Tianxia in Sima Xiangru’s fu”
       Discussant:  Wai-yee Li
       Panel 2 Poetry and Institutionalized Learning (Chair: Wai-yee Li)
10:30  Zong-qi Cai (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), “Poetry and State Ideology: the Canonization of the Book of Poetry during the Han”
      Discussant: Jianguo Cao
10:45 Manling Luo (Indiana University, Bloomington), “Poetry and Tang Civil Service Examinations: Talent, Competition, and Community”
      Discussant: Yu-yu Cheng
      Panel 3 Poetry and Heroes (Chair: Yu-yu Cheng)
1:15  Xinda Lian (Denison University),“Heroes from Chaotic Times: the Three Caos”
      Discussant: Tsung-Cheng Lin
1:30  Tsung-Cheng Lin (University of Victoria), “Poetry and Knight-Errantry: Tang Frontier Poems”
      Discussant: Kevin Tsai(Indiana University, Bloomington)
      Panel 4 Poetry and Literary Coterie (Chair:  Chen Yinchi)
2:30  Stephen Owen(Harvard University), “Poetry and Authorship: Chuci”
      Presenter and Discussant: Robert Ashmore (University of California, Berkeley)
2:45  Nanxiu Qian (Rice University), “Poetry and Wei-Jin Xuanxue: Ji Kang (223-262) and other Worthies of the Bamboo Grove”
      Discussant: Xinda Lian
3:00  Ao Wang (Wesleyan University), “Poetry and Literati Friendship: Bai Juyi and Yuan Zhen”
      Discussant: Manling Luo
4:00  Reception at Lucy Ellis Lounge

Saturday October 20
      Panel 5   Poetry and Women (Chair:  Paula Varsano)
9:00  Olga Lomova (Charles University), “Poetry and Han Ballads: “A Peacock   Flies to the Southeast” and Other Works”
      Discussant: Yu-yu Cheng
9:15  Ping Wang (Princeton University), “Beautiful Women and Historic-Poetic  Imagination”
      Discussant: Maija Bell Samei
9:30  Maija Bell Samei (Independent Scholar), “Poetry and Women in the Tang: Women at the Public/Private Divide”
      Discussant: Ping Wang
      Panel 6   Poetry and Daily Life (Chair: Olga Lomova)
10:45 Alan Berkowitz (Swarthmore College), “Poetry and Reclusion: Tao Qian”    
      Discussant: Nanxiu Qian
11:00 Paula Varsano (University of California, Berkeley), “Poetry and Wine- Drinking: Li Bai”
      Discussant: Jack Chen
      Panel 7   Poetry and Religion (Chair: Robert Ashmore)
1:45  Meow Hui Goh (Ohio State University), “Poetry and the Buddhist Mind: - the Story of Shen Yue (441-513)”
      Discussant: Chen Yinchi
2:00  Chen Yinchi (Fudan University), Jing Chen(University of Illinois), “Poetry and Buddhist Enlightenment: Wang Wei and Han Shan”
      Discussant: Meow Hui Goh
      Panel 8    Poetry and Reality/Imagination (Chair:  Alan Berkowitz)
3:15  Jack Chen (University of California, Los Angeles), “Poetry, Historical Witness, and Moral Suasion: Du Fu’s “Three Officers” and “Three Partings” Poems”
      Discussant: Paula Varsano
3:30  Robert Ashmore (University of California, Berkeley), “Poetry and Morbid Imagination”
      Discussant:  Alan Berkowitz
4:30  General Discussion
6:00  End of Conference Sessions

Funded by the Chiang-ching Kuo Foundation