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Investing $1.5 Trillion

Donald Tang, vice chairman of Bear Stearns and chairman of the Asia Society Southern California Center speaks at USC.

March 6, 2008 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Click here to see Asia Society photographs of the event.

Born in Shanghai, China, Donald Tang came to America as a teenager to pursue the dream of love, and inadvertently embarked on a remarkable career in this land of opportunity, which now finds him one of the most prominent Asian-Americans on Wall Street. A confidant of both Chinese and American leaders, he evolved to become a key driver behind organizations such as the Asia Society.

Most recently, Donald Tang was profiled in The Wall Street Journal, and he was recognized by Investment Dealers’ Digest magazine for his role in the “Breakthrough M&A Deal of The Year” between China’s Hunan Valin Group and Mittal Steel.

His distinctive vantage point as both a Mandarin-speaking native Chinese, and Asian American business leader, gives him uncommon insight into the emerging business, policy, and cultural climate throughout Asia. His extensive network of government, business and thought leaders in China, India and the U.S. provide him with keen insight as to what is brewing “beneath the surface,” deep inside each system.

Donald’s unique ability to mix many different viewpoints together to create understanding and cooperation between diverse interests has led some to call him “the straw that stirs the drink.”

Truly a global citizen, Donald firmly believes that the world is NOT flat. In his view, the world is “spiky” -- characterized by peaks and valleys which are comprised of the different histories, cultures, needs and desires of its nations and citizens. Donald Tang serves as a de facto ambassador connecting Asia, Europe, and America, particularly on matters of economic globalization.

On a trip to Mumbai, India, he developed the system of Economic Chakras – borrowing from ancient Yoga philosophies to better understand the flow of economic energies as they affect, and are affected by, governments, business activity, education, NGO’s, religious systems, consumers, and students.

Donald’s life work, manifested in his tireless commitment to the Asia Society Southern California, is to develop ‘deep understanding” of these motivations, in order to create bridges of cooperation that will bring sustained prosperity and peace around the globe.

Suggested Parking for the USC Davidson Conference Center
Jefferson East Parking Plaza (PSD)
Enter at the Jefferson Boulevard Entrance at Royal Street (#4)

Getting from Parking to the Venue

Exit the southeast corner of the parking plaza. The Davidson Conference Center is located next and to the left of the parking plaza.

