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Asia/Pacific Business Outlook Conference 2012

The USC Marshall School of Business presents a conference on Business outlook in China.

March 26, 2012 12:00am to March 27, 2012 12:00am

Now in its 25th year, APBO is the premier conference in North America for business leaders who want to expand their trade and investment in Asia.

APBO is an extraordinary opportunity to meet the people with the clout, contacts, and knowledge essential to your company's success. Meet Asia business experts and hold one-on-one private consultations with senior commercial officers who have flown in from American mbassies/consulates in 14 economies.

Some of the topics to be covered:

  • Devising market entry strategies and building distribution networks -Financing your operation in Asia/Pacific
  • Refining communication and negotiation techniques
  • Exporting to Asia for the first time
  • Launching product and services in new markets 
  • Understanding cultural sensitivities and contexts
  • Learning opportunities in new sectors and industries

For more details go to

Phone Number: 
(213) 740-7130