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One Hundred Years of Historical Changes in China: Sino-Soviet Relations

The East Asia Center at the University of Washington presents a talk by Zhihua Shen on the Sino-Soviet alliance.

September 7, 2011 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Professor Zhihua Shen 

The Sino-Soviet alliance played a major role in the modern history of China. With the surfacing of declassified documents over the past 20 years, experts are gaining an entirely new perspective of the past. The content of this lecture will be Professor Zhihua Shen's deciphering of a massive quantity of declassified documents from the USSR, the United States, and China. Prof. Zhihua Shen is considered to be one of the foremost experts on this topic in China today.

The talk will be held in Mandarin Chinese. Interpretation will be provided as needed.

Directions to Bellevue City Hall