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Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Severine Arsène

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is “Impact of China on Global Internet Governance in Era of Privatized Control.”

December 4, 2012

Severine Arsène

Yahoo Fellow in Residence at Georgetown

“Impact of China on Global Internet Governance in Era of Privatized Control.”

Prior to becoming the Yahoo Fellow in Residence at Georgetown, Severine Arsène was an Assistant lecturer at the Universityof Lille. Previously a researcher at Orange Labs (France Telecom R&D), SENSE laboratory in Paris and curator of the annual seminar of the social sciences department in Beijing, Dr. Arsène was active in organizing and promoting discussions on the social stakes of the Internet in China. With a focus on China, Dr. Arsène’s current research explores how different notions of “modernity” across the globe are contextually based and shape the uses of technology, more specifically, as a tool for online protests.

