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Nation Branding at the Shanghai Expo

Prof. Jay Wang of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy and the USC US-China Institute is carrying out research on nation branding efforts at Expo 2010.

June 25, 2010

A research team led by Jian (Jay) Wang of the USC Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism is in Shanghai studying how countries define, communicate and manage their identity and image through national pavilions at the Expo. 

Weekly video blogs highlighting select countries and their pavilions will be produced from June through August 2010. Countries are selected based on their geography, roles in global society and relationships with China. Each video will feature a country's pavilion, and will typically include interviews with pavilion directors or officials.

Below are videos focusing on the USA Pavilion. You can view videos about other National Pavilions from the USC Center For Public Diplomacy here.

Meet Luke and Nina
Two student ambassadors explain their background and motivations for coming to the Shanghai Expo

Highlights and Lowlights
Luke and Nina share their experiences as student ambassadors at U.S. pavilion, Shanghai Expo

Learning China, and Explaining America
What Luke and Nina have learned about China, and how they portray America to Chinese visitors

Overview of Student Ambassador Program
Interview with Peter Winter, Program Officer at the U.S. Pavilion

Luke Greets Chinese Visitors in Mandarin
Luke introduces himself and presents the pavilion program in Mandarin

A Day in the Life of a Student Ambassador
A typical day for student ambassador, Dan Redford of Michigan State U., at the U.S. Pavilion in Shanghai
