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Video: Deborah Brautigam on the Real Story of China in Africa

How large and significant are China's activities in Africa? Which of Africa's 53 countries are China's biggest aid and investment targets? What are the implications of these efforts for China and for Africa?

January 30, 2010

American University Professor Deborah Brautigam spoke at the USC US-China Institute on January 21, 2010. Video of her presentation is below. Click here to read a summary of her talk. Click here for an article and interactive graphic showing Chinese projects in Africa.


This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.


Click on the play button above to see Brautigam's USC talk. Information about The Dragon's Gift is available from the publisher, Oxford University Press.

Click here to watch a video of Deborah Brautigam's talk at USC on Feburary 18, 2016 titled "Will Africa Feed China?
