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June 23, 2016: Global times
Wang Suosuo, a USC alumna, was quoted in an article about discrimination in China towards female video gamers. She said that she had been removed from one online Chinese game when other players realized she was female. She noted that gaming in the U.S. is more mainstream and participation by females is more accepted.
June 8, 2016: The Hollywood Reporter
USC political scientist Stanley Rosen was cited in a story about the new Disney resort in Shanghai and about competition from Wanda, which owns theaters, malls, a film studio. Rosen said, "No matter how much money Wanda or anyone else has, building a theme park of this scale and complexity takes time, as we see from Disney's experience, and can't be done overnight..."And [Wanda] doesn't have the same iconic international characters that Disney has, which will make it really hard to match them, at least in the short term."
May 11, 2016: The Guardian
An article about China’s Cultural Revolution included the USC U.S.-China Institute’s Assignment:China “The Week that Changed the World” documentary.
May 6, 2016: The Diplomat
David Carter of the USC Marshall School was quoted in an article about the creation of the China Arena Football League. Carter said, “American sports brands salivate at the chance to credibly penetrate the Chinese market.”
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