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PRC State Council, China’s Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, January 27, 2016

as safeguarding national security. China has consistently given top priority ... and balanced nuclear safety outlook. China has followed the approach of enhancing ... and Fukushima nuclear accidents, China has come to a profound understanding ...

Cao, GMO China- How Global Debates Transformed China's Agricultural Biotechnology Policies, 2018

October 3, 2019 Cong Cao.  GMO China: How Global Debates Transformed China's Agricultural Biotechnology Policies.  New York:  Columbia University Press, 2018.  312 pp.  Cong Cao's book_GMO China_ is refreshing ...

Joe Biden, Executive Order on Addressing United States Investments in Certain National Security Technologies and Products in Countries of Concern, August 9, 2023

Image:  Section:  Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Science ... the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701  et seq.) (IEEPA), ... economic policy and provides the United States with substantial benefits.  ...

Science Diplomacy at a Crossroads

on intellectual property rights. China’s economic rise, its rapid expansion of its ... property. Last September, the White House issued a report which noted China ... innovation economy" with helping China's economic and military ...

Richard Suttmeier, Trends in US-China Science and Technology Cooperation, Sept. 11, 2014

papers, U.S. collaboration with China now exceeds collaboration ... September 11, 2014 The original U.S.-China science and cooperation ... is here. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The governments of the United States and China ...

Cole, Asian Maritime Strategies- Navigating Troubled Waters (October 15, 2013)

for good measure. Nonetheless this book has an unmistakable China focus, ... surpassing the West economically and militarily, to include maritime affairs” ... are already concentrated in Northeast Asia (South Korea, Japan, and China ...

U.S. Dept. of Justice, Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng Admits to Misleading Global Financial Institution, September 24, 2021

US-China Topic:  Economics Science and Technology Tags:  Huawei Custom ... Institution 1’s request.  Meng later arranged for a paper copy ... People’s Republic of China E.D.N.Y. Docket No. 18-CR-457 (S-3) (AMD) ...

Chinese History Comes to Life through Games

of the last 200 years of Chinese economic history through a new seminar ... with computers.” Time Flies When You’re Having Fun “China Times,” a role-playing ... pursued their mobility and economic strategies as part of a family unit. ...

Barack Obama and Xi Jinping, Joint Press Conference, September 25, 2015

the mechanism on regular phone conversation on economic affairs between China ...     At present, China is also under increasing pressure of economic downturn ... Xi Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Human ...

The Cox Report and the US- China Arms Control Technical Exchange Program, 1999

September 1, 1999 The Cox Report and the US- China Arms Control ... and Military / Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China chaired ... and the China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP). These three US national ...
