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In memoriam: Ezra Vogel 傅高义, 1930-2020

U.S.-China Institute board of scholars and among the most distinguished ... and the Transformation of China for a lecture about Deng's foreign policies were very much driven by his assessment of the desperate need China had for better ...

Video: Conversation with Gary Reischel

living standards. Seeking innovation, China and the United States both ... successful venture capitalist with deep experience in both China and the U.S. We’ll look at how innovative China has been. Has innovation in China ...

The Next Space Race

China's Chang'e 3 mission at the end of of 2013. Other countries focused ... of the world's budget), China has recently surpassed Russia's spending ... it became the first country to put a lander on the far side of the moon. China ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Jidong Li

December 4, 2012 Jidong Li Associate Professor of National Center for Radio and Television Studies at Communication University of China ... and Television Studies at Communication University of China. His research Interests ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Jing Wang

Yat-sen University, China. Wang is also the founder and organizer of New ... China.   This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel. Click ...

Patrice Poujol Looks at Blockchain Technology in the Chinese Film Industry

December 6, 2019   China has recently embraced blockchain ... of crypto-currencies and banned all crypto promotion, China was mining over 80% ... in China Using Blockchain and Smart Contracts  as well as recent updated ...

Talent for tomorrow

identified access to American universities as helping China advance. ... the Department of Justice’s China Initiative which has American academics among its targets. Now students from China are under greater scrutiny. USC has 6,199 ...

Xiaoxing Xi on Defending Chinese Researchers

courthouse. Amid rapidly escalating tension between the United States and China ... engaging in academic collaborations with China are under heightened scrutiny ... on the Justice Department's China Initiative and China's talent ...

Chairs Issue Statement about Forced Labor in Apple’s Supply Chain in Xinjiang

of the bipartisan and bicameral Congressional-Executive Commission on China ... suppliers in Xinjiang who are implicated in forced labor in China. We also ask Apple to engage with U.S. Customs and Border Protection on their China ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Yawei Liu

of The Carter Center's China Program. He has been a member of numerous Carter ... on China’s political developments and grassroots democracy. Recently, Yawei ... of other presentations. “A Long Term View of China's Microblog ...
