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U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: The Library of Congress Chinese Language Collection," September 16, 2005

of China. Prepared Statement Of Commissioner Larry M. Wortzel, Hearing Cochair ... encompass the 4000-year written history of China, which is cosmic ... Chinese perspectives on economics, military theory, and present day security ...

Schwartz, "China's periphery in perspective: A comparative look at the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone," 2004

The Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone ... by cultural and economic metropoles on the other side. And most importantly, ... are representative of a larger phenomenon in China where actors, practices and policies ...

Wang, "Procreative intentions in rural China: The relation with sex compositions of existing children, sex preferences, and social-economic status," 1998

China. However, previous studies failed to show clear effects of sex ... the relationship between sex composition and birth intentions in rural China ... and social-economic characteristics, child-raising preferences, parental perceived value ...

Study Examines the Economics of and Attitudes toward Having Children in China

on an extensive, three-year study of China's population that examines how ... in China. "This is the first time fertility in China has been researched ... of the Population Association of China. "This project recognizes the relationship ...

Passings, 2023

economic and financial emissary to China. He served in that position until ... China’s currency and U.S.-China economic ties. He was the first Brookings ... and Social Disparities during China’s Economic Reform ” for USCI’s first major ...

MBA Students Discover Gap in Market

for corporations seeking to enter China’s growing food market. As part ... country. For Leslie White, Humberto Belloso, Genaro Bugarin, Wesley Thompson ... and marketer. James M. Rice, vice president and country manager of Greater China ...

Zhang, Zhan

Journal Paper Co-editor of the special journal issue on China Media Studies ... of China, authored by Prof. YE Fengying, Beijing, March 2005. Conference Paper ... November 3, 2014 Zhan ZHANG, China Media Observatory, Università ...

Talking Points, January 29-February 12, 2014

visit to the White House. Deng’s visit followed the formal establishment ... of China on Jan. 1, 1979. President Jimmy Carter’s welcome included ... focused on strengthening China’s economy. Americans were eager to show ...

PRC State Council, Equality, Development and Sharing: Progress of Women's Cause in 70 Years Since New China's Founding, September 2019

made so far.   This white paper is issued specifically to make ... for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China ... of the legal governance system in China.    III. Women’s Role in Economic ...
