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Matray, ed., Northeast Asia and the Legacy of Harry S Truman- Japan, China, and the Two Koreas, 2012

of Harry S. Truman: Japan, China, and the Two Koreas. Truman Legacy Series. Kirksville: Truman State University Press, 2012. xiv + 362 pp. $34.95 (paper ... of U.S. allies. The Truman administration’s policies in China proved less ...

Zhang, Mao's Military Romanticism: China and the Korean War, 1950-1953, 1995

Guang Zhang. Mao's Military Romanticism: China and the Korean War, ... is a three-dimensional puzzle of many sides. Since Allen S. Whiting's classic study, China Crosses the Yalu (1960), a significant number of scholarly works ...

Mao Zedong's "Order to the Chinese People's Volunteers," 1950

thereby safeguarding the interests of the people of Korea, China and all ... and Che | Mao's Military Romanticism: China and the Korean War | Mao ... of The Quotations of Chairman Mao | China Will Take a Giant Stride Forward | Order ...

Armistice Agreement for the Restoration of the South Korean State July 27, 1953

of the People's Republic of China on the other hand, shall be established. The joint ... or of the Red Cross Society of the People's Republic of China shall serve ...