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Participatory Communication and Cultural Continuity Perspectives Regarding Ecological and Environmental Migration (EEM) in China: A Case Study in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

social, economic, political, cultural and psychological considerations. ... in terms of academic studies (Wellman & Tipple, 1990). In China, EEM has ... of Environmental and Ecological Migration in China From the rise of the Qin Dynasty ...

Spatial Mismatch and the Well-Being of Rural Migrants in China

Ihlanfeldt 1997; Kasarda and Ting 1996; Raphael 1998). In China, many ... regions of China has changed the urban-rural landscapes and incurred ... to new immigrants in the U.S., rural migrants in China have become a major ...

Wei Yen Discusses His Book "From The Great Wall to Wall Street"

that China will suffer a financial collapse despite a slowing economy and high debt levels. Yen shows how some of these traditions also hamper China ... to integrate China more fully into the global community and will suggest ways ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Gianluigi Negro

December 5, 2012 Gianluigi Negro Ph.D candidate, University of Lugano "Discovering Miss Puff, an example of economic and cultural ... Negro is a PhD candidate at University of Lugano, co-editor at China Media ...

Shen Ke 沈可: Young Shanghai Couples and Childbearing

April 13, 2015 Shen Ke 沈可 teaches demography at Fudan University. She earned a doctorate in economics at Peking University. Her research ... systems. “China’s Transitional Society” is among the courses she teaches. ...

2009-2010 USCI Events

Schedule. September 10, 2009 China's Population Challenges 中国人口问题 Barbara ... of the aging population in China. Dr. Barbara Pillsbury is a cultural and medical ... She has worked extensively in China, conducting research, training ...

USCI launches US-China Today, a student-driven web magazine

in the inaugural issue of US-China Today, a new publication from the USC U.S.-China ... US-China Today is a student-driven publication. Like USCI, the magazine focuses on the multidimensional and evolving U.S.-China relationship ...

Video: Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island, Global Powerhouse

in China's economic rise,  The Tiger Leading the Dragon (USCI | YouTube).  USCI ... with China and with the United States. On September 27, 2011, Prof. Rigger spoke at the USC U.S.-China Institute on her new book Why Taiwan Matters: ...

Shanghai Museum Salutes Qingyun Ma

communication between China and USC, raise USC’s profile in China and lead to new ... and other parts of China,” Jackson said. “It is clear that the profile of USC in China has been enhanced as a result of this appointment.” In his address ...

Film Review: "Crocodile in the Yangtze" by Neon Tommy

economic and technological transformation are happening in China ... THE Jack Ma, China’s first internet entrepreneur and web CEO, as his company ... team fought tirelessly to build China’s first global internet company. ...
