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Study Examines the Economics of and Attitudes toward Having Children in China

on an extensive, three-year study of China's population that examines how ... in China. "This is the first time fertility in China has been researched ... of the Population Association of China. "This project recognizes the relationship ...

Passings, 2023

economic and financial emissary to China. He served in that position until ... China’s currency and U.S.-China economic ties. He was the first Brookings ... and Social Disparities during China’s Economic Reform ” for USCI’s first major ...

MBA Students Discover Gap in Market

for corporations seeking to enter China’s growing food market. As part ... country. For Leslie White, Humberto Belloso, Genaro Bugarin, Wesley Thompson ... and marketer. James M. Rice, vice president and country manager of Greater China ...

Zhang, Zhan

Journal Paper Co-editor of the special journal issue on China Media Studies ... of China, authored by Prof. YE Fengying, Beijing, March 2005. Conference Paper ... November 3, 2014 Zhan ZHANG, China Media Observatory, Università ...

“Harmonious Society” in Action- Tools the Chinese Communist Party is Using to Mitigate Socio-economic Tensions, Christina Chen

December 9, 2011 Christina Chen  examines how China’s government has responded to workers’ demands for higher wages and better working conditions. Increased tensions have caused the government to empower the previously feeble ...

Happy Lunar New Year! 祝你新年快乐!

discussion with his tweets regarding China, Taiwan, and the South China Sea. ... by the thousands. The White House has so far declined comment on the Chinese knock-offs. Here at the USC U.S.-China Institute, we’re anxious to wish you ...

“Harmonious Society” in Action- Tools the Chinese Communist Party is Using to Mitigate Socio-economic Tensions, Derek Liu

December 9, 2011 Derek Liu examines what drives the provision of social welfare in China. He argues that the central authorities are able ... or municipal careers, however, prefer to spend money on economic projects tied ...

Hong Kong Today

Kong’s South China Morning Post and other leading papers. His latest book ... Library). The exhibition is sponsored by the U.S.- China Institute and the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China. To mark the 10th ...

Through Tinted Lenses?- Video from the conference exploring how Americans and Chinese see each other

years as a member of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ... adviser for International Economic Policy at the White House National ... U.S.-China Institute.  Polls suggest that a slight majority of Americans ...

The Future of U.S. – China Relations

Inequality and Social Disparities During China's Economic ... USC Davidson Conference Center Sponsored by the USC U.S.- China ... in China, later graduating from Princeton University. He served in Moscow ...
