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Video: Tom Narins on Sovereignty and the Belt and Road Initiative

or co-authored papers on China's economic and political engagement beyond its ... ambitious Chinese drive into global politics, a break from China ... to be a contradiction between China simultaneously defending its own territorial ...

Video: David Shambaugh on the US and China in Southeast Asia

the re-emergence of China as a major great power has called into question ... and China are engaged in a broad-gauged and global competition for power. ... of Southeast Asia. The United States and China constantly vie for position ...

Video: Panel Discussion on China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Action

China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Kazakhstan in 2013, but China ... in Southeast and Central Asia. The initiative has sought to bind China to its ... trade and investment. China’s leaders want to develop the country’s border ...

Video: David Lampton on China’s effort to create an intercountry railway system

China’s effort to create an intercountry railway system connecting China ... and even take advantage of China’s wide-reaching actions. Using frameworks ... How does China wield power using infrastructure? Do smaller states have ...

What's At Stake In Xinjiang

reviewed the history of China’s policies toward ethnic minorities and the region’s economic and strategic importance. Nurnisa Kurban of UyghurLA shared ... to the region changed it? Won’t economic development erase the tensions ...