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Tiananmen Square Document 10: Cable, SITREP No. 27: Martial Law with Chinese Characteristics, 1989

June 3, 1989 This cable provides fascinating eyewitness accounts of the disorganized and confused retreat of PLA soldiers from the center of Beijing after their advance on Tiananmen Square was halted by crowds ...

Tiananmen Square Document 18: Cable, SITREP No. 35: June 6, 0500 Hours, 1989

of the death and destruction at Tiananmen Square on June 3." The 27th, ...

Tiananmen Square Document 31: Cable, What Happened on the Night of June 3/4?, 1989

than on Tiananmen Square itself. The document calls the notion ...

U.S.-China Relations: 15th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Crackdown, 2004

on this, the 15th, anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. ... in the region and the world. The tragedy of Tiananmen 15 years ago still casts ... of the mothers of Tiananmen victims who ask the government for an accounting ...

Teaching about Tiananmen Square

at USC. Workshop: Teaching about Tiananmen Square Date: Saturday, April 12, ... will be provided. The workshop includes: the new Tiananmen Square segment in our ... Tiananmen Square and its aftermath After the workshop, you may wish to visit ...

Video: Ian Johnson on Sparks, his look at China's Underground Historians

Foward famine Cultural Revolution Tiananmen covid-19 filmmakers Custom ...

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Message on the Twentieth Anniversary of Tiananmen Square, June 3, 2009

of demonstrations in Tiananmen Square by Chinese authorities, we should remember ... the Tiananmen Mothers. China can honor the memory of that day by moving to give ...

Tiananmen Commemoration Dinner and Awards

Visual Artists Guild cordially invites you to an Annual Award Dinner and Tiananmen Commemoration ...

Tiananmen Square Document 2: Cable, Government Arrests Student Demonstrators, 1985

In the cable, Embassy officials report information gleaned from an unidentified source that Chinese security forces have detained more than 100 students and arrested 23 suspected "ringleaders" involved in the demonstration. (November 25, 1985) ...

Tiananmen Square Document 3: Cable, More Student Demonstrations, 1985

The document also reports another incident, that the cables authors call "astonishing," which involved several hundred students from the Bejing Central College of Nationalities who were protesting the nuclear weapons testing program in Xinjiang ...
