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Tiananmen Square Document 5: IPAC Daily Intelligence Summary 1-87, China: Student Demonstrations, 1987

January 2, 1987 Demonstrations continued into January 1987 when 3,000 students defied a government ban and staged a protest in the vicinity of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This intelligence summary from U.S. ...

Video: Screenings of Tiananmen Square

May 13, 2014 Screenings of Assignment: China- Tiananmen Square April ... in Beijing's central Tiananmen Square. She became an exile based in Los Angeles ... developments, human rights, and the Tiananmen Square uprising in June 1989. He ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: Stability in China: Lessons from Tiananmen and Implications for the Untied States (Webcast)," May 15, 2014

3,000 people occupied Tiananmen Square on a hunger strike, surrounded ... to Tiananmen Square but was stopped by a human roadblock composed of thousands ... ten to twelve Army divisions closed on Tiananmen Square firing rifles, ...

Tiananmen Square Document 27: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 14, 1989, China: Back to Business, But Crackdown Continues, 1989

as instigators of the Tiananmen demonstrations. This document describes the sudden ...

John Kerry, Message on the 25th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square, June 4, 2014

For all people who seek freedom, Tiananmen Square still stirs our ... the lost, and especially to the Tiananmen Mothers. We all recognize ...

Tom Malinowski, 25 Years Later, Tiananmen Square Still Colors U.S.-China Relations, June 3, 2014

in Tiananmen Square, ending hopes that China would join the changes sweeping ... continued.   Looking back on the Tiananmen movement, it is striking how modest ... of its people.   Yet many who stood on Tiananmen Square that day, asking ...

Assignment: China- Tiananmen Square

China, but it was the demonstrations in China’s symbolic center, Tiananmen ... of Assignment: China-- Tiananmen Square. Video from some of those making ... (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) reforms. Assignment: China-- Tiananmen ...

Tiananmen Square Document 8: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 2, 1989, China: Stalemate Continues, 1989

June 2, 1989 On the day before the crackdown began, the Beijing city government tightened restrictions on the foreign media reporting on the Tiananmen Square demonstration, and the Chinese leadership was becoming ...

Tiananmen Square Document 9: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 3, 1989, China: Police Use Tear Gas on Crowds, 1989

to Tiananmen Square." Later in the day Beijing police fired tear gas ...
