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Talking Points, Thanksgiving 2016

and the enduring popularity in Taiwan of Chiayi turkey rice (嘉義鶏肉飯). Chiayi turkey ... Environment: Matthew Kahn on Blue Skies over Beijing Taiwan: Shirley Lin on Taiwan's China Dilemma; Andrew Morris on Fan Yuanyan's 1977 defection ...

Video: Microcredit, The Internet and Community Building in China and Beyond

for Chinese civil society. He’s also known for his work on the Taiwan economic miracle (State and Society in the Taiwan Miracle, 1986) and is currently working on Remaking Taiwan: Society and the State Since The End of Martial ...

Q&A with Eric Priest on Chinese Music Industry Investment

properties. For Hong Kong and Taiwan, I’m curious to hear about the intellectual ... area (between HK, Taiwan, and Mainland China) is a little bit more ... protection, both Hong Kong and Taiwan have been better in terms of being ...

Talking Points, February 27- March 12, 2014

and prosperity there. Andrew Yang, Taiwan’s former defense minister, opened ... with Japan and Taiwan represented the first “pivot” or “rebalancing” to Asia. ... Taiwan in the World Ahn House (AHN) Los Angeles, CA 90089 Time: 1:00PM- ...

Through Tinted Lenses?- Video from the conference exploring how Americans and Chinese see each other

Culture” in the Political Transformations of Thailand, China, and Taiwan ... Democracy's Dharma: Religious Renaissance and Political Develpment in Taiwan ...

Tiananmen Square Document 16: Cable, China Task Force Situation Report No. 3- Situation as of 1700 EDT, 6/4/89, 1989

especially that, "Taiwan's President Lee Teng-hui called in AIT [American Institute in Taiwan] chief David Dean in Taipei to hear his appeal ...

Call for Papers: 2022 Hawai'i International Conference on Chinese Studies (Deadline: 9/15/2021)

culture and society in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among overseas ...

Kirk Denton Looks at Taiwanese Museums

in Taiwan in 1987. He’ll look at the role of politics—especially political ... be displayed in a broad range of museums and memorial spaces. The case of Taiwan ... in the “postcolonial” landscape of Taiwan; the politics of historical memory ...

Increasing acceptance of LGBTQ

in Taiwan.  Li Yinhe, a pioneering scholar of sex and gender roles in China, ... not gay material.  Social attitudes have shifted even faster in Taiwan and the law has responded.  In 2017, Taiwan’s Constitution Court ruled ...

U.S. Dept. of State statement on U.S. citizens and residents in China, 2001

In some cases, travel to Taiwan or involvement with Taiwan media ... Administrative Regions, or to Taiwan. This Public Announcement expires December 27, ...
