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Fact Sheet- President Xi Jinping’s State Visit to the United States, September 25, 2015

and protection of the environment.  The two sides intend to communicate ...

China's Policies and Practices on Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief

They also advocate a “green environment” philosophy. Buddhist and Taoist ... and with a sound environment.   To read the full statement in English, follow ...

PRC State Council, Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang, September 24, 2015

breakthroughs in the field of resources and environment technology, discovering ... insisting on sustainable development of resources and the eco-environment ... and environmental protection. Xinjiang protects its environment in accordance ...

PRC State Council, China’s Human Resources, September 2010

a favorable environment and conditions for the people's all-round ... and social environment for workers to work with dignity and for talented people ...

The Present Conditions of Religion in China, 2000

of the environment.  Furthermore, the religions can play their special role in dealing ...

Asst. Sec. Charles H. Rivkin, “Building a Dynamic U.S.-China Film Relationship,” September 5, 2014

create a new environment for doing business that allows for continued ...

Sec. John Kerry, “Remarks at the Consultation on People-to-People Exchange Plenary Session,” July 10, 2014

particularly proud of the fact that there are many foreign ministers, environment ...

PRC State Council White Paper, "Development and Progress in Xinjiang," Sept. 21, 2009

Published by the PRC State Council Information Office. ...

U.S. Congressional–Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2006," September 20, 2006

policy on religion creates a repressive environment for the practice ... the railway's potential effects on Tibetan culture and the environment. Education ...
