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Building a Dynamic U.S.-China Film Relationship, September 5, 2014

create a new environment for doing business that allows for continued ...

U.S. Congressional–Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2003," October 2, 2003

of ethnic Tibetans continues and the environment for Tibetan culture ...

U.S. Congressional–Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2013," October 10, 2013

information about the safety of their environment and food, but authorities ...

PRC State Council, Successful Practice of Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet, September 6, 2015

in a clean and beautiful environment. Tibet has also improved its facilities ... services, radio and television, and the environment in farming and pastoral ...

PRC State Council, Democratic Reform in Tibet – Sixty Years On, March 27, 2019

with a sound ecological environment where people live in happiness ... husbandry in Tibet is no longer subject to nature and the environment ...

U.S. Congressional–Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2005," October 11, 2005

of religious belief found in the new Regulation. The religious environment ... are not yet prepared to compete in the economic and ethnic environment created ...

U.S. Congressional–Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2015," October 8, 2015

in cyberspace, the health of the economy and environment, the safety of food ...

PRC State Council, China and the World in the New Era, September 2019

and stable political environment, large consumer groups with escalating needs, ... and an international and convenient business environment of fair competition under ... to optimize its business environment, giving foreign manufacturers and investors ...

U.S.-China Relations: 15th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Crackdown, 2004

an environment based on “peaceful development and freedom of choice”-- ...
